The winner of the daily craft TV giveaway is....Indy Poppy!! Congratulations and come on down to claim your prize. Email me for Eric Wolf's contact details so he can give you a coupon code and you can choose a video to watch online for free!
I will leave you with a final crafty link that looks like a lot of fun. It's the 10th anniversary, and they are celebrating with a plethora of challenges. I took part in their Bath and Beauty challenge last winter and had a lot of fun with it.
Here is the link for the fabulous 10th anniversary celebration!
That's all folks!
Tuesday, 30 July 2013
Sunday, 28 July 2013
I did it I did it I have a facebook page!
It's in the middle of the night and I finally got those social media icons to work. Later in the week I will be doing the draw for daily craft tv. I forgot about it again! Shame on me.
This is probably the shortest post I've ever written because I'm so tired of staring google search for "free social media icons". I wrote a tut about it awhile back, filed under Blogging tips.
Night all,
This is probably the shortest post I've ever written because I'm so tired of staring google search for "free social media icons". I wrote a tut about it awhile back, filed under Blogging tips.
Night all,
Thursday, 18 July 2013
I won a beautiful Miniature Wedding Dress for Felma's June Giveaway
She included some lovely perfume bottles, which I arranged with some lace in a small tray I had in my "tickle trunk" and displayed them |
For those of you not acquainted with Felma's lovely Blog Dollhouse Miniatures by Felma you must pop by for a visit. If you pay close attention, I would even mark it on your Calendar, she gives away one of her beautiful miniature gowns every single month.
I'm going to go off on a tangent, but after rereading what actually became the bulk of my post, it actually has everything to do with why I became a Miniature Artisan. So please, bear with me. NOTHING is too small to pray about. I pray about everything, and I mean everything. I pray for help in finding a parking spot, I pray for calm and assistance in that God will ensure that things will work out when I am dealing with a rude and difficult government clerk, postal worker, plumber, the list goes on. About a year ago, I started keeping lists and praying even more in earnest. I prayed that I would find work and be successful at a job that I was passionate about. I started keeping a list every month of my prayers and goals. Even I was amazed at what started happening. If you have been following along with my journey on Miniature Maven Diaries, I think you will agree, that as hard as this year has been for me, in many ways (God never promised us an easy life, in fact I think he pretty much promised us exactly the opposite), that miracles happen every day.
I started noticing, as I looked back through my journals, that help was being offered. I won 3 blogger giveaways in a row. (Starting with Jane's, from Minifanaticus, followed quickly by Drora's, then Jen's February giveaway at Plushy Cat Blog). I continued to be offered amazing help and opportunities presented themselves. My Dad offered to build me shadow boxes where I am planning to display miniature scenes that I will customize for my customers. He also dove into carpentry as a hobby with great enthusiasm when he retired. He astounded me a couple of weeks ago when he told me he is planning to build 12 display shelves based on the one that I found at an antique shop two years ago. I can charge between $80-100 for these at the Miniature Show and Sale, and tell my customers they can order more from me. He is also planning to make empty shadow boxes for customers, which I can sell at the mini show for $50 dollars each. Did I mention he only wants to recoup the costs of the wood he is buying to make these things? He wants me to keep the profits, because he has watched me fight to stay employed, and eventually give up and admit that I had to go on disability because I could not hold down a regular full time or even part time job. Since his offer, the local art supply store where I go to buy most of my supplies (to avoid Michaels Craft Stores, because I personally loathe that place), offered to display my miniatures. If I sell my work, they will take a 20% commission, which is a very generous offer.
I have actually had an extremely stressful month, which has included several very serious health issues, and there are many times when I have wanted to give up and just rest for awhile. But if I look at the big picture, my prayers have been answered in so many ways. I owe it to God, or the universe, not to mention the huge number of people whose prayers and support I have asked for over past year (and been given) to keep at it. This post is a reminder (if you're feeling discouraged) to keep at it. There is no doubt I have struggled, felt despair, wanted to give up. For over a decade I have fought with every ounce of strength I could muster with a very difficult illness. My grandmother that the same illness, and she didn't survive it. I've known of and seen many others who have been swallowed my this dark beast of an illness. Everyone tells me I'm a fighter. Even when I've been at my lowest point, I think there has always a tiny glimmer of that stubborn fighter inside me that refuses to sucumb to despair, and won't give up until I find what I have spent so long searching for: peace, a life filled with meaning, and eventually, I am going to become an advocate for this illness. I learned have how to navigate the health system and the extremely aggravating government run disability system, where the staff often treat you like you have the intelligence of a gnat. Advocating for yourself is a learned skill, that others need to be taught. There have been many times when I have been so angry that I have spent so much time struggling with being sick and feeling helpless. Eventually, I want to channel that anger into energy that will help me teach others to help themselves.
As always, I feel honored that you have taken the time to read my blog and for all of you who leave such kind and loving comments each time I post.
Tuesday, 16 July 2013
I won the Liebster Blog Award!
Audra is my lovely friend who writes the thought provoking blog Through The Ever Changing Lense. She has awarded me the Liebster Blogging award, and I am very pleased and proud. She includes quotes (one of my favorite things!) and thoughts about the writing life, as she is working on her second novel.
When you are awarded the Liebster award, you must do several things. I've seen the rules vary slightly on different blogs, but it doesn't bother me!
In accordance with the rules for nominees of this award, I will...
- link back to my nominator's blog
- answer the questions provided by my nominator
- nominate 5-11 blogs that have less than 200 followers
- create 11 questions of my own to be answered by my nominees, and
- contact my nominees to let them know that they've been nominated.
I am nominating these five wonderful bloggers!
Maureen, of St. Albert Mini Maureen is what I call a quiet force of good. She has been a winner of the wiki mini treasures award for two years in a row because of the amount of content she has added to the site ( a boon for those new to miniatures) and the first year she was nominated she didn't even know until I told her! She doesn't add to the pages expecting recognition or acclaim. She simply wants to help out beginners. I have been a lucky recipient of her kindness, generosity, and mini knowledge. Not only a fellow Canadian but also a member of the Miniature Enthusiasts Club of Edmonton.
Marissa of Steinworks Blog. Marissa became a friend through email last winter when I had the worst neighbour of all time. (Think you had a worse one? I dare you to prove it. I got ourse evicted but it took time.) My Papa was dying at the same time and Marissa's emails kept me going. We created a hilarious narrative describing my horrible neighbour which also features some of her more odious coworkers. Marissa's miniature scenes are brilliant and the narrative style on her blog is witty and self deprecating, it keeps her followers coming back for more.
Sarah of Amber's House. She is a newbie Miniaturist Blogger whose blog is full of tutorials. She is obviously a very talented miniaturist.
My dear friend Michelle. We went to highschool together and both started our blogs around the same time so we became each other's first followers. The subject matter of our blogs is quite different. Her blog Growing Patience, Dreaming Big was about her incredibly brave struggle with infertility. Her fertility doctor gave her a 3 % of conceiving a second child. I gave her a big pep talk and reminded her that doctor's are not God's nor can they predict the future. I am very happy to say she delivered a healthy baby girl in February. I'm giving the nursury roombox I've been working on and off since last fall to her to her in August. I can't wait to get to Calgary so I can meet baby Nyah in person, and visit my beloved friend Michelle and deliver her roombox. We were a huge support to each other as I strived to believe in my dream (making money at making miniatures) and she strived to achieve hers.
Brini's Doll DomainBrini's Doll Domain is Fun, Modern and Fabulous! She writes solely about black dolls, as a celebration of her own Ethnicity, which I think is pretty frickin' cool. Stop by for her frequent posts that include pictures of dioramas she set up, complete with dialog! Brini's huge heart and willingness to feel life's deepest emotions and move through them is what first drew me to her blog. I liked what I read, now I'm a fan!
Two Lillies and Fairies: a Tale of Minis I love the concept behind Chris' blog, which she started up not too long ago. She and her sister and niece are all blogging together as their Lily is slowly being built. They are separated by 3,750 miles. I know I'm looking to forward to following along with them on their adventure.
Here are Audra's Question's for me:
1. If you could list just 3 things that make you happy, what would they be?
making miniatures (try and stifling your gasp of surprise)
reading a really good novel
spending time by the ocean
2. Would you characterize yourself as more of an extrovert or an introvert?
introvert with a very silly side and a very bawdy sense of humour who is also a blabbermouth around my closests friends, so remember all introverts are definitely not quiet, sweet and innocent3. What has been your greatest challenge in life thus far?
4. If you enjoy reading, what are your favorite book genres?
I can't narrow it down to a genre because I read such a wide variety and it changes from year to year. I enjoy mysteries, fantasy novels, some science fiction a lot of non fiction on any topic that grabs my attention like gender studies, autobiography, addiction, soap making, spirituality, economics, birth order, you name it, I've probably read at least an article about it!
5. Is the glass half-empty or half-full?
I strive for half-full, but it's a struggle6. Who has inspired you most?
Can't pick just one person. Martha Beck, who wrote the searingly honest memoirs Leaving the Saints and Expecting Adam.
7. Where is home for you? I feel like I'm still searching for a home. We've lived in Edmonton since 2000. It is home in many ways. Calgary, my own home town, is a fun place to visit, but it's not home anymore. I think we'll probably move again and settle somewhere else since my husband has a Forrestry Degree, and we're just waiting for the Housing Industry in the states to bounce back so that he can find a Forrestry job in Canada (Exporting lumber to the U.S. comprises the majority of the Canadian Forrestry Industry).
8. When was the last time you cried? Just now. I was talking to my Dad on the phone.
9. When was the last time you laughed? This afternoon. Talking to my friend on the phone. We were joking about how most men need very specific step by step explanations whereas women are much more intuitive. If you sound angry or sarcastic they will immediately say, "What's wrong?" Heck, they don't even need to hear you say anything! They can tell by the look on your face.
10. Are your friends also your family members, or are your family members also your friends, or both? That's pretty complicated to answer. They are both, but there are times when I would like to strangle them. And I mean that in the most loving way possible :)
11. How would you spend your last day on Earth if given the opportunity? I would spend the day with my closest friends and family (including my husbands, I love all of them.) I would share special times with those closest to me. We would eat marvellous food. We would be right on the ocean.
Here are my 11 questions for my 11 nominees:
1. What's the first thing you do up each morning?
2. Last thing you do before going to bed?
3. What keeps you sane?
4. What drives you crazy?
6. What couldn't you live without?
7. If you could relive one day of your life, what would it be?
8.If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
9. If you had enough money to build your dream house, what would it be like?
10. What's your favorite holiday?
11. What is your earliest childhood memory?
7. Where is home for you? I feel like I'm still searching for a home. We've lived in Edmonton since 2000. It is home in many ways. Calgary, my own home town, is a fun place to visit, but it's not home anymore. I think we'll probably move again and settle somewhere else since my husband has a Forrestry Degree, and we're just waiting for the Housing Industry in the states to bounce back so that he can find a Forrestry job in Canada (Exporting lumber to the U.S. comprises the majority of the Canadian Forrestry Industry).
8. When was the last time you cried? Just now. I was talking to my Dad on the phone.
9. When was the last time you laughed? This afternoon. Talking to my friend on the phone. We were joking about how most men need very specific step by step explanations whereas women are much more intuitive. If you sound angry or sarcastic they will immediately say, "What's wrong?" Heck, they don't even need to hear you say anything! They can tell by the look on your face.
10. Are your friends also your family members, or are your family members also your friends, or both? That's pretty complicated to answer. They are both, but there are times when I would like to strangle them. And I mean that in the most loving way possible :)
11. How would you spend your last day on Earth if given the opportunity? I would spend the day with my closest friends and family (including my husbands, I love all of them.) I would share special times with those closest to me. We would eat marvellous food. We would be right on the ocean.
Here are my 11 questions for my 11 nominees:
1. What's the first thing you do up each morning?
2. Last thing you do before going to bed?
3. What keeps you sane?
4. What drives you crazy?
6. What couldn't you live without?
7. If you could relive one day of your life, what would it be?
8.If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
9. If you had enough money to build your dream house, what would it be like?
10. What's your favorite holiday?
11. What is your earliest childhood memory?
Okay, I have to say, that whole process took a lot longer than I expected! It was hard to find blogs with less than 200 followers, and get in touch with my choices for nominees! After two (or three days of waiting to publish this post, I haven't heard back from some of the blogs I nominated, but I don't think they'll mind getting an award, and if they do, I don't mind taking down the links to their blogs and choosing someone else. Do I overthink every little decision and over analyze things way too much. Why yes, I believe so. If I knew how to stop, boy would I ever. Actually, I am actively searching for strategies for how to stop, I'm even getting referred to some group therapy regarding this exact subject. Well, I am completely bushed and headed for bed.
G'night all
Saturday, 13 July 2013
Full Circle
My parents are getting ready to travel across the country by car to Vancouver, British Columbia and pack up my Papa's things, distribute them among my Dad and his two Sisters, put some in storage and donate some I believe. Real life has been fairly overwhelming lately so I didn't ask my Dad a lot of details about everything that was being done with my late Papa's things. His house sold last month, after being on the market for only a week. It sold for a little over a million dollars. That's Vancouver real estate for you. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Canadian Geography, Vancouver is probably one of the most enviable cities in Canada to live, and the most expensive. I read in a National magazine a couple of magazine that it was one of the most desirable cities to live in Canada, or was it North America? I forget. Our dear Elizabeth, who writes the lovely Studeo E Blog, lives there. It is a city I know very well. I spend many summers there as a child. We made the 16 hour road trip from our hometown in Calgary, Alberta (on the praries) in our wood panelled station wagon, which was packed with our parents and myself, my sister, brother, as many books and toys as could be crammed in, and two car top carriers! How did our parents ever have the patience? I remember one summer my brother and I (he is six years younger) merrily sang repetitive songs for hours. Perhaps my parents were wearing ear plugs? I know they were two safety conscious to have a secret flask of whiskey....
But I digress. I have been having a hard time for several months, although I've been trying to distract myself. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that my Papa's birthday was on July 4th. The last time I visited him was on his 97th birthday, last summer. He was very frail, but delighted when I surprised him with my first ever miniature project, a room box I made for him as a birthday present. I knew deep down is was the last time I would ever see him. For ten years I had been preparing myself that any time I saw him could be the last. I was thrilled that he came to my wedding in 2004. I know my sister was delighted when he was able to attend hers a couple of years ago. For years he seemed to defy the odds. He remarried in his late 80s. He and his second wife travelled the world, volunteered, welcomed great grandchildren, honestly, I had a hard time keeping up with the two of them. I loved watching them together.
The last time I saw my Grandpa, he put on a good face for his wife Ruth and his children, joking that he had to live to 100 so that he could get a letter from the queen, but I could tell he knew he didn't have much time left. When we were alone he spoke of how lucky he was, that he had been blessed with a good life. He told me I shouldn't be sad, that death is a natural part of life. He said he wasn't scared to die, he knew he was going to heaven, and he was looking forward to seeing Nana, who passed away when I was 13, and Trevor, his nephew who passed away at a young age from leukemia.
One of the things that remains with me about the week I spent with him is how celebratory the mood was. While I was there I looked through a photo album that had been put together of his 90th birthday. It was a huge album, that had been held at their local church hall. He had worn a green bow tie (in honor of his Irish heritage) and given a speech. Many others has spoken, telling funny stories and taking about his integrity, sense of honor and contributions to the community. I love the last picture in that photo album. It's a picture of him with a dustpan and broom, cleaning up at the end of the broom. It sums up his character and personality. He didn't believe getting old earned him the right to sitting down or a break from clean up duty.
Since turning 97, he wasn't comfortable in large groups. But that didn't mean no celebrations were planned! We would have 4 dinners to accomodate my Dad's family, who had travelled to Edmonton for the occasion, my Granpa's niece and her daughter, and my stepgrandma's two sons and their wives.
It was the most fun I had in ages. Stories were told. Jokes were told, and they became more and more inappropriate as the evening wore on. On one evening I laughed until my sides hurt as my step grandma's Ruth's son told story after story about how they travelled as a family to Europe in the sixties. Back then it was not commonplace for families to sight see in Europe. Billy, the youngest, was bored and caused all sorts of trouble to stir up a bit of excitement. One day they he was sitting parked in their rented van outside the Vatican and he thought it would be fun to release the Emergency brake while the rest of the family (I think there were at least 7 of them all together) and the van happened to be on a hill.
His embarrassed parents hustled the rest of the children into the van while a disapproving priest looked on. Another day they were in a theme park and met another family they knew. There was a big gang of adults and kids and he got lost in the fray. Apparently he wandered around lost by himself for several hours, fairly unconcerned. And his parents, too, didn't panic. Maybe they would relieved at getting a break from their, um, feisty son!
I wasn't able to go to my Papa's funeral when he passed away peacefully in a hospice on December 10th, and I think that's just as well. I'd rather remember him the way I left him last June. Laughing, joyful, at peace, and reminding me that death is a part of the great adventure we are all on. When I go to Calgary at the end of July to visit my parents I will pick up the roombox I gave my Grandpa. I've decided I will add to it, bit by bit. A picture of the two of us, shrunk down and mounted on the wall. He wrote his memoirs and had them bound. I'll shrink down that and include it. I'll build a simple bookcase and fill it with miniature copies of his favorite books. Perhaps I'll put together a miniature family photo album. I'll add more as the spirit moves me.
This morning was the first time I acknowledged to my husband that I'm doing a lot of grieving for my Papa this month, I spoke of how much having him in my life has given me a sense of love of belonging and my belief that once this gift of love is given it cannot be taken away, even after a loved one dies. I became choked up and cried a bit, but they were healing tears. I have always thought that we grief in stages. I started grieving when I first planned to visit him last summer, and I am still grieving. I think I will never stop grieving, but I think as time goes on, that grieving can take on a sense that is mostly full of love and joy, with only a tinge of sadness. I think I have quoted this poem before on here, but it's my favorite, and I have new followers, and it's my blog so I can do what I want to ha ha.
But I digress. I have been having a hard time for several months, although I've been trying to distract myself. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that my Papa's birthday was on July 4th. The last time I visited him was on his 97th birthday, last summer. He was very frail, but delighted when I surprised him with my first ever miniature project, a room box I made for him as a birthday present. I knew deep down is was the last time I would ever see him. For ten years I had been preparing myself that any time I saw him could be the last. I was thrilled that he came to my wedding in 2004. I know my sister was delighted when he was able to attend hers a couple of years ago. For years he seemed to defy the odds. He remarried in his late 80s. He and his second wife travelled the world, volunteered, welcomed great grandchildren, honestly, I had a hard time keeping up with the two of them. I loved watching them together.
The last time I saw my Grandpa, he put on a good face for his wife Ruth and his children, joking that he had to live to 100 so that he could get a letter from the queen, but I could tell he knew he didn't have much time left. When we were alone he spoke of how lucky he was, that he had been blessed with a good life. He told me I shouldn't be sad, that death is a natural part of life. He said he wasn't scared to die, he knew he was going to heaven, and he was looking forward to seeing Nana, who passed away when I was 13, and Trevor, his nephew who passed away at a young age from leukemia.
One of the things that remains with me about the week I spent with him is how celebratory the mood was. While I was there I looked through a photo album that had been put together of his 90th birthday. It was a huge album, that had been held at their local church hall. He had worn a green bow tie (in honor of his Irish heritage) and given a speech. Many others has spoken, telling funny stories and taking about his integrity, sense of honor and contributions to the community. I love the last picture in that photo album. It's a picture of him with a dustpan and broom, cleaning up at the end of the broom. It sums up his character and personality. He didn't believe getting old earned him the right to sitting down or a break from clean up duty.
Since turning 97, he wasn't comfortable in large groups. But that didn't mean no celebrations were planned! We would have 4 dinners to accomodate my Dad's family, who had travelled to Edmonton for the occasion, my Granpa's niece and her daughter, and my stepgrandma's two sons and their wives.
It was the most fun I had in ages. Stories were told. Jokes were told, and they became more and more inappropriate as the evening wore on. On one evening I laughed until my sides hurt as my step grandma's Ruth's son told story after story about how they travelled as a family to Europe in the sixties. Back then it was not commonplace for families to sight see in Europe. Billy, the youngest, was bored and caused all sorts of trouble to stir up a bit of excitement. One day they he was sitting parked in their rented van outside the Vatican and he thought it would be fun to release the Emergency brake while the rest of the family (I think there were at least 7 of them all together) and the van happened to be on a hill.
His embarrassed parents hustled the rest of the children into the van while a disapproving priest looked on. Another day they were in a theme park and met another family they knew. There was a big gang of adults and kids and he got lost in the fray. Apparently he wandered around lost by himself for several hours, fairly unconcerned. And his parents, too, didn't panic. Maybe they would relieved at getting a break from their, um, feisty son!
I wasn't able to go to my Papa's funeral when he passed away peacefully in a hospice on December 10th, and I think that's just as well. I'd rather remember him the way I left him last June. Laughing, joyful, at peace, and reminding me that death is a part of the great adventure we are all on. When I go to Calgary at the end of July to visit my parents I will pick up the roombox I gave my Grandpa. I've decided I will add to it, bit by bit. A picture of the two of us, shrunk down and mounted on the wall. He wrote his memoirs and had them bound. I'll shrink down that and include it. I'll build a simple bookcase and fill it with miniature copies of his favorite books. Perhaps I'll put together a miniature family photo album. I'll add more as the spirit moves me.
This morning was the first time I acknowledged to my husband that I'm doing a lot of grieving for my Papa this month, I spoke of how much having him in my life has given me a sense of love of belonging and my belief that once this gift of love is given it cannot be taken away, even after a loved one dies. I became choked up and cried a bit, but they were healing tears. I have always thought that we grief in stages. I started grieving when I first planned to visit him last summer, and I am still grieving. I think I will never stop grieving, but I think as time goes on, that grieving can take on a sense that is mostly full of love and joy, with only a tinge of sadness. I think I have quoted this poem before on here, but it's my favorite, and I have new followers, and it's my blog so I can do what I want to ha ha.
Wednesday, 10 July 2013
My Daily Craft TV Giveaway (Chris (Powergirls) and any of my non miniature followers please read this!!
Over a month ago I wrote this post, which was my review of one of several fun, informative videos available on daily craft tv. Eric Woolf, from craft tv had contacted me and offered me a free tv tutorial to look at and said if I did a review on my blog I could offer a free giveaway on my blog. I was VERY excited because of this opportunity and I was SURE my bloggers would share my excitement, especially since the giveaway is available internationally.
I was a bit dismayed when only 3 of my followers entered. Then I decided this was understandable because I have many international followers who don't speak English and my English speaking followers don't all find non craft videos as exciting as I do.
I was planning to announce a winner at the end of July but as my dear friend and mentor Maureen, member of the Miniature Edmonton Enthusiast of Edmonton Club and author of the blog St. Albert Mini says sometimes RL (real life) intervenes, and this was certainly the case with me.
I finally got it contact with Eric a couple of days ago and I felt bad telling him that only 3 people had entered! It's really no loss to me, but I would like to think that his efforts and company would benefit a bit more!
He told me that anyone on my blog interested in winning this prize can go toDaily Craft Tv and choose the video they'd like, and contact him, and he will email them the coupon code. I will choose the winner using
If you think any of your followers would be interested, please post a pic of the giveaway on the sidebar of your blog. I told Eric I would post about the giveaway again since I have gotten some new followers since May. I'll also post about it in the yahoo groups I belong to.
Can you tell I'm STILL procrastinating my paperroute? On the plus side, it looks nice out. The past couple weeks I've been rained out mid route.
Oh! And I put your name in the subject bar Chris (Powergirls) because I can't find your blog (unless you don't have one, but it sounds like you have one). If you would like to discuss this further, click on the pink email icon on the top of my blog and that will link up to my email adress (NEVER simply type out your email address on your blog! Unless you enjoy an inbox filled with spam messages and potential viruses)
Must really run this time.
Hugs and Kisses,
You all make the dull days more exciting for me,
I was a bit dismayed when only 3 of my followers entered. Then I decided this was understandable because I have many international followers who don't speak English and my English speaking followers don't all find non craft videos as exciting as I do.
I was planning to announce a winner at the end of July but as my dear friend and mentor Maureen, member of the Miniature Edmonton Enthusiast of Edmonton Club and author of the blog St. Albert Mini says sometimes RL (real life) intervenes, and this was certainly the case with me.
I finally got it contact with Eric a couple of days ago and I felt bad telling him that only 3 people had entered! It's really no loss to me, but I would like to think that his efforts and company would benefit a bit more!
He told me that anyone on my blog interested in winning this prize can go toDaily Craft Tv and choose the video they'd like, and contact him, and he will email them the coupon code. I will choose the winner using
If you think any of your followers would be interested, please post a pic of the giveaway on the sidebar of your blog. I told Eric I would post about the giveaway again since I have gotten some new followers since May. I'll also post about it in the yahoo groups I belong to.
Can you tell I'm STILL procrastinating my paperroute? On the plus side, it looks nice out. The past couple weeks I've been rained out mid route.
Oh! And I put your name in the subject bar Chris (Powergirls) because I can't find your blog (unless you don't have one, but it sounds like you have one). If you would like to discuss this further, click on the pink email icon on the top of my blog and that will link up to my email adress (NEVER simply type out your email address on your blog! Unless you enjoy an inbox filled with spam messages and potential viruses)
Must really run this time.
Hugs and Kisses,
You all make the dull days more exciting for me,
Are any of you on twitter?
I just opened a twitter account, I've only posted one post and it was to get an extra entry to a contest giving away a printer!
The reason I opened it is that I'm seriously thinking about starting a facebook page for Miniature Maven Diaries (and my Etsy Shop in the next couple months). I would like to follow any of my followers who are on twitter. When you have an Etsy shop, you can connect it to your Shop Facebook Page, and everytime list a new item, you can press one button and it will be published to your facebook page. Also, if you are on twitter, every facebook update will automatically become a twitter update. You have to manually set it up this way, but only one.
I am already following Jean Day, Cinderella Moments, I think that'a all! I'm also following all the Dollhouse Mags.
Oh my twitter name is MinisbyRuth
Got to run, it's my flyer delivery day. Which is probably why I'm writing this post, procrastinating.
The reason I opened it is that I'm seriously thinking about starting a facebook page for Miniature Maven Diaries (and my Etsy Shop in the next couple months). I would like to follow any of my followers who are on twitter. When you have an Etsy shop, you can connect it to your Shop Facebook Page, and everytime list a new item, you can press one button and it will be published to your facebook page. Also, if you are on twitter, every facebook update will automatically become a twitter update. You have to manually set it up this way, but only one.
I am already following Jean Day, Cinderella Moments, I think that'a all! I'm also following all the Dollhouse Mags.
Oh my twitter name is MinisbyRuth
Got to run, it's my flyer delivery day. Which is probably why I'm writing this post, procrastinating.
Saturday, 6 July 2013
Happy Canada Day, 5 Days Late
Canada Day is July 1rst, Last Monday. Last weekend was one of significant personal drama for me, so much so that I do not wish do even discuss it, and my husband and I were so exhausted that we spent Canada Day lying low and watching a mini series on the Discovery Channel by Oceanographer Robert Mallard. Speaking of Which, I am fascinated by lighthouses, ships and all things nautical and recently the 1/2 scale greenleaf lighthouse kit has caught my eye. I at first admired the 1:12 Real Good Toys one, until I found out it is 4 feet high!
Personally, I would rather be able to integrate my dollhouse projects into the decor of our home, rather than having to put them all in a separate room. Although I do plan to have at least one grand 1:12 scale house that will certainly need its own room.
In my opinion there is nothing more quintessentially Canadian than canadian Rick Mercer. I have loved his dry, sarcastic, self deprecating sense of humor since he rose to fame on his first show "This Hour Has 22 Minutes" which was a farce on the events in the national and global media. He is quite cheeky. I heartily agree with his philosophy that (almost) nothing is too sacred to laugh at, because there is nothing demeaning in his sense of humor, there is a warmth behind it.
My husband and I were lucky enough to win tickets to see him perform recently at an event hosted by the Edmonton Pubic Library. He has moved on from his first show and now appears in the "Rick Mercer Show". He began by explaining why he no longer focuses on interviewing and making fun of politicians (too much crazy for even him to take on board, and he became disenchanted after awhile).
Our current prime minister, Stephen Harper, is I'm sure popular with some, but I know many committed
conservatives who can't stand him, simply based on his personality. He has very little personal warmth to the point where he seems to have no personality whatsoever, and this does not sit well with many Canadians. Whenever I talk about it I refer to him jokingly as a "Ken Doll" because he wears so much face make up, his smile is too perfect, and his hair never moves. Almost everyone laughs when I say this.
At the Edmonton Public Library Presentation where we saw Rick Mercer perform, he had us all in stitches and showed us many hilarious youtube videos of different segments from his show. One of the features he was most proud of is the "vote mob incident". It was the most heartening thing I have seen in years. As many of you in North America know, our voter turn out is quite dismal. It averages about 55 %, which is appalling considering that in some countries some people are being jailed and giving their lives fighting for the right to vote. A friends' mother once spoke passionately about how women campaigned so long for the right to vote that as women we should never take it for granted.
Two years ago, during a federal election campaign the infamously pompous Stephen Harper made a comment to the effect that he was not worried about the youth vote because everyone knew that they never vote anyways. At the end of Rick's show he always does about a minute called"Rick's Rant". After hearing Harper's smug self assurance Rich encouraged everyone over the age of 18 to go out there and show Harper that he should take them more seriously. I will post his original rant, and several responses out of about 13 University's who very enthusiastically took up the challenge. It was a reminder to me that young people in our country care passionately about what happens politically, many of us have just become disillusioned about our ability to create a positive change.
I think Mr. Harper will think twice about calling young voters apathetic :) They just love a challenge. I have often said that university is a time when people are at their most idealistic, because they have so much energy! And they just feed off each other! Then we have to go into the world laden with huge student loans, which much less energy to devote to our idealistic causes :)
So there we go, I have written two days in a row about non miniature topics, to teach you a little more about what it means to me to be Canadian, and because I'm too busy right now getting ready for the mini show to do a Canada day project! Ha Ha! Hope you got a laugh from these videos! I think laughter is one of the best responses to hopelessness and small minded thinking!
Singing off with much love to all of you,
Personally, I would rather be able to integrate my dollhouse projects into the decor of our home, rather than having to put them all in a separate room. Although I do plan to have at least one grand 1:12 scale house that will certainly need its own room.
In my opinion there is nothing more quintessentially Canadian than canadian Rick Mercer. I have loved his dry, sarcastic, self deprecating sense of humor since he rose to fame on his first show "This Hour Has 22 Minutes" which was a farce on the events in the national and global media. He is quite cheeky. I heartily agree with his philosophy that (almost) nothing is too sacred to laugh at, because there is nothing demeaning in his sense of humor, there is a warmth behind it.
My husband and I were lucky enough to win tickets to see him perform recently at an event hosted by the Edmonton Pubic Library. He has moved on from his first show and now appears in the "Rick Mercer Show". He began by explaining why he no longer focuses on interviewing and making fun of politicians (too much crazy for even him to take on board, and he became disenchanted after awhile).
Our current prime minister, Stephen Harper, is I'm sure popular with some, but I know many committed
conservatives who can't stand him, simply based on his personality. He has very little personal warmth to the point where he seems to have no personality whatsoever, and this does not sit well with many Canadians. Whenever I talk about it I refer to him jokingly as a "Ken Doll" because he wears so much face make up, his smile is too perfect, and his hair never moves. Almost everyone laughs when I say this.
At the Edmonton Public Library Presentation where we saw Rick Mercer perform, he had us all in stitches and showed us many hilarious youtube videos of different segments from his show. One of the features he was most proud of is the "vote mob incident". It was the most heartening thing I have seen in years. As many of you in North America know, our voter turn out is quite dismal. It averages about 55 %, which is appalling considering that in some countries some people are being jailed and giving their lives fighting for the right to vote. A friends' mother once spoke passionately about how women campaigned so long for the right to vote that as women we should never take it for granted.
Two years ago, during a federal election campaign the infamously pompous Stephen Harper made a comment to the effect that he was not worried about the youth vote because everyone knew that they never vote anyways. At the end of Rick's show he always does about a minute called"Rick's Rant". After hearing Harper's smug self assurance Rich encouraged everyone over the age of 18 to go out there and show Harper that he should take them more seriously. I will post his original rant, and several responses out of about 13 University's who very enthusiastically took up the challenge. It was a reminder to me that young people in our country care passionately about what happens politically, many of us have just become disillusioned about our ability to create a positive change.
I think Mr. Harper will think twice about calling young voters apathetic :) They just love a challenge. I have often said that university is a time when people are at their most idealistic, because they have so much energy! And they just feed off each other! Then we have to go into the world laden with huge student loans, which much less energy to devote to our idealistic causes :)
So there we go, I have written two days in a row about non miniature topics, to teach you a little more about what it means to me to be Canadian, and because I'm too busy right now getting ready for the mini show to do a Canada day project! Ha Ha! Hope you got a laugh from these videos! I think laughter is one of the best responses to hopelessness and small minded thinking!
Singing off with much love to all of you,
Friday, 5 July 2013
Why I make miniatures. The reasons may surprise you!
Two posts in one day, yes.
There are the more obvious reasons of why I am compelled to create miniatures:
Today I had a discouraging experience with a governmental agency. Unfortunately, I need to deal with them on a regular basis. The anger I felt was not only on my behalf. I have learned over the years to be quite adept at advocating on my own behalf, and feel very comfortable doing so. What bothers me more is that others depend on this agency, and many do not have the skills, knowledge or where with all to advocate for themselves when they are treated disrespectfully or unfairly.
Shortly after, I had dinner with my parents and we discussed my feelings of anger and how they could be channelled into something productive.
I spoke to them about how anger is necessary, because it sparks change. I told them that toxic anger is unproductive, but there is another kind of anger that is an appropriate reaction to an injustice. I told them I plan to become an activist. When this will happen, I'm not sure.
I shared some quotes with my parents that I take very seriously.
"If not here, where? If not now, when? If not me, who?" ~ Anonymous
These next words were spoken at Women's Rights Convention in 1855 by Lucy Stone: "In education, in marriage, in religion, in everything, disappointment is the lot of woman. It shall be the business of my life to deepen this disappointment in every woman's heart until she bows down to it no longer."
It is my goal in life to deepen my disappointments, pay attention to any anger I feel that is an appropriate response to an injustice, and continually look for ways to use this dissatisfaction as a motivation to bring about change. Small changes lead to big changes.
So let's get to some more personal reasons as to why I make miniatures
There are the more obvious reasons of why I am compelled to create miniatures:
- I love tiny things
- Miniatures allow me to use many creative talents, including painting, graphic design, and my imagination!
- I always wanted a dollhouse as a child and didn't have one. I'm making up for lost time.
Today I had a discouraging experience with a governmental agency. Unfortunately, I need to deal with them on a regular basis. The anger I felt was not only on my behalf. I have learned over the years to be quite adept at advocating on my own behalf, and feel very comfortable doing so. What bothers me more is that others depend on this agency, and many do not have the skills, knowledge or where with all to advocate for themselves when they are treated disrespectfully or unfairly.
Shortly after, I had dinner with my parents and we discussed my feelings of anger and how they could be channelled into something productive.
I spoke to them about how anger is necessary, because it sparks change. I told them that toxic anger is unproductive, but there is another kind of anger that is an appropriate reaction to an injustice. I told them I plan to become an activist. When this will happen, I'm not sure.
I shared some quotes with my parents that I take very seriously.
"If not here, where? If not now, when? If not me, who?" ~ Anonymous
These next words were spoken at Women's Rights Convention in 1855 by Lucy Stone: "In education, in marriage, in religion, in everything, disappointment is the lot of woman. It shall be the business of my life to deepen this disappointment in every woman's heart until she bows down to it no longer."
It is my goal in life to deepen my disappointments, pay attention to any anger I feel that is an appropriate response to an injustice, and continually look for ways to use this dissatisfaction as a motivation to bring about change. Small changes lead to big changes.
So let's get to some more personal reasons as to why I make miniatures
- It is the best antidote I know of to deal with despair, tragedy, loss, and the everyday stresses of life
- I don't think of miniatures as escapism. When I am working on a miniature project, I am wholly absorbed in what I am doing. This is necessary if I want to create something I am proud of
- It is my way of lighting a candle in the dark when the world around me frustrates me or overwhelms me.
- I think all art is a form of prayer
- Art is a vital, essential part of our culture. We can never know the effect we have on another person's life. If my miniatures bring pleasure and enjoyment to others, I feel both privileged that something I create has this effect, and grateful that I have been given the chance to make someone else's life a little brighter
- My maternal Grandma lived with the same chronic illness that I do. She also loved dolls and collecting small things (She also made my sister and I dollhouse furniture out of clothespins!) Her illness was never successfully treated. Mine has been, although there is no magic cure and I experience setbacks. When I create miniatures, I am honouring her memory. She was ill at a time when there were very few treatments available to her. I often think that I am fighting this illness for both of us, even though she passed away in 1993. I like to think that the healing I've experienced help make sense of the healing that was elusive for her.
I hope I have not lost you in these rather convoluted blog post, and I am grateful for every single one of you, because you have joined me on a very important and exciting journey.
Good night and Sweet Dreams to all of you. (It is midnight here.)
Grandaddy list of things I need to do for the Show and Sale on September 15
Hello all my lovely followers! I have been feeling anxious about getting everything done for the show and sale, so I decided to write out a list of to do items and share it with you, and then put all the tasks in my day timer
Design template for cardstock display boxesCome up with a flexible template for pamper baskets- Design labels for strawberry themed pamper basket
- Buy 2 part yellow mold putty
- Assemble more cardstock display boxes
- Make Vanilla Cupcake Bath Set
- Make a yellow flower themed Perfume, Bubble Bath, Bath Powder and Bath Salts Pamper Basket (Need to do more research to come up with the best flower!)
- Make a Sugar Plum Themed Bath Basket
- Make leather and fabric covered beauty cases
- Buy supplies to make a miniature loofah
- Make some Housecoat, towel and slipper sets
- Assemble kits from Paper Minis and the Craft Pack Company and place them on a dresser or in a pamper basket (Everything arrived at once! I ordered things from the States, the U.K., and Asia (over ebay, fantastic option for Canadian Miniatures on a budget, Asia offers free shipping on most items)
- Assemble Christmas Shadowbox (easy because I can just insert the Christmas scene I made last November!
- Learn Decoupage from my friend Theresa, and use the technique to create a Beatrix Potter themed Nursery Shadowbox.
- Go visit my friend Pat so we can work on minis together because she is super organized and keeps me on task :)
- Put together my Wedding themed shadowbox (I have many of the items/supplies, I think I will need my mom's help with some sewing!)
- Create a child's birthday themed shadowbox (I decided to do this instead of a beach themed one)
- Make up business cards!
- Distribute Flyers for the show and sale
- If I have time, make up another Christmas themed shadow box and display it at The Paint Spot, a local art supply store where they know me very well since I shop for many of my mini making supplies there. They said they will display my miniatures and shadowboxes at no cost, and take a 10% commission if it sells. I am very excited about this fantastic opportunity
- Thank my Dad again for his incredible generosity! He has already made up 12 display shelves for me to sell at the show and sale, and plans to make some empty shadowboxes too. This led me to rent a six foot table instead of a 3 foot one
Besides show and sale stuff, I also need to:
- Make up Jazzi's Christmas in July gift and get it in the mail by the 15th! I am very excited that Jazzi is my swap partner. I have already decided what to make her, and bought most of the stuff I will need(part of the swap rules are everything has to be made with found objects)
- Finish the Nursery Roombox I am making for my dear friend Michelle because I am going to Calgary at the end of July to deliver it to her! (I'm almost done, so I'm not too concerned)
- Possibly make up another small miniature scene for my generous friend Marie, who gave me homemade soap and tinted lip balm the last time she was in Edmonton. (She lives in Calgary too.) Visit her fabulous wordpress blog here. She shares Natural Beauty Recipes and Yummy Vegetarian Recipes on her blog.
- Write 2 Blogging Tips Posts (I love writing and taking breaks from mini making to write is a stress reliever :)
- Write another post about trash to treasure minis that I have been thinking about for about a month
I think that will keep me sufficiently busy. I'm glad my hubby is going fishing/camping with his friends for two weeks at the end of July because that means I can make very simple meals for myself (Hello crockpot! And salads) and make minis late into the night.
That's all for now my friends I just have to cut out a mini sponge and my Blue Pamper Basket will be done and up on Etsy.
I love all of you and the support you have given me over the last year.
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
1/2 scale anyone?
I have been saying for ages that I don't want to do a dollhouse. Too much time, not enough space!
Recently I started to dream of building a 1/2 scale dollhouse. I posted on the yahoo Group Canada Minis, asking if anyone knew if 1/2 scale kits are ever available at our show and sale in September. Carol, a wonderfully generous member of our mini group, showed up to give me a ride to an estate sale a couple of weeks ago, and she had a 1/2 scale dollhouse kit that she offered to give me! I was very astounded at her generosity and very pleased.Carol didn't stop there. I bought mostly small items at the show and sale, lace trim, small grocery items.
Carol saw several cute 1/2 scale items and insisted on buying them for me :) I was like a kid at Christmas.
Here is a picture of the kit that Carol gave me:
I think this will be an ongoing project for me, since I don't have the time and the money to do it very quickly! I have about 3 shadow boxes for friends or family that I want to do, and keep working on my Etsy shop.
I have already started dreaming of how I will decorate the house. I really like the greenleaf 1/2 scale bathroom kit. Here is a picture of it:
![]() |
This kit can be ordered locally through Hobby Wholesale |
I like their bedroom kit too, but it's not available to order locally
I'm not planning on buying a lot at the show and sale. Maybe a couple of 1/2 scale items, if they have them :)
I've actually picked out the 1/12 scale dollhouse of my dreams as well, I'm not sure when I'll buy it, can I justify spending that much on a dollhouse? :P
The 1/12 house comes assembled, with furniture, accessories, and a doll family. Someday... We all have our dollhouse dreams, don't we?
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