This post is about Trash to Treasure minis. For those unfamiliar with the term, trash to treasure involves using everyday items that could be found in a junk drawer and finding creative ways to make them look like beautiful and realistic miniatures.
The quality of the miniature you will end up with depends on your skill level and the materials you have on hand. The best resource you will find on trash to treasure minis can be found here:
You can literally spend hours, or days, going through every item listed on this site but it's much more fun to scroll down to the bottom and click on the links to albums and pages that other miniaturists have put together about trash to treasure minis.
I was also really excited when I came read the project behind door 14 in the 2011 AIM Advent Calendar. The project is a Christmas Hutch filled with trash to treasure ideas, including delicious looking cakes made from wine corks, and jars of Honey and Jam made using glass beads and glass paint!
Go here to read the 2012 AIM Advent Calendar:
Happy Holidays Everyone!
Wednesday, 19 December 2012
Monday, 17 December 2012
Christmas Room Box
I have decided that I will make up several scenes, rent a table at our city's Miniature Club Annual Show and Sale, and sell the scenes as well as the miniature soaps, perfumes and vanity sets I am planning to learn how to make and eventually sell on Etsy.
I will likely make some small changes to this room box before I sell it. I would like to decorate the outside so it looks like a Christmas Gift, I will decorate it with Christmas themed wall paper, or maybe scrapbook paper (Wrapping paper would be too fragile) and put a giant bow on top.
I have ordered a miniature gingerbread from Anna's Etsy shop. Many of you are familiar with her wonderful food creations and her blog It's the Little Things. I don't think it will get here before my husband and I leave for Calgary to spend Christmas with our families on the 22nd.
Well, here it is:
I will likely make some small changes to this room box before I sell it. I would like to decorate the outside so it looks like a Christmas Gift, I will decorate it with Christmas themed wall paper, or maybe scrapbook paper (Wrapping paper would be too fragile) and put a giant bow on top.
I have ordered a miniature gingerbread from Anna's Etsy shop. Many of you are familiar with her wonderful food creations and her blog It's the Little Things. I don't think it will get here before my husband and I leave for Calgary to spend Christmas with our families on the 22nd.
Well, here it is:
I find an angled view from the top shows more detail |
A straight on shot shows the toys in more detail
Merry Christmas Everyone,
Thursday, 13 December 2012
Something to cheer me up
The initial shock of hearing of my Grandpa's death has worn off. Sometimes I forget how many people care about me and support me, because often I feel very isolated since I work from home and my husband Mark uses our one car to go work. During the summer I don't mind walking around to run errands or taking public transit, but during the winter, especially when it's cold and snowing, it is not pleasant!
I felt numb yesterday as I let my friends know the news about my Grandpa, and let Mark's mother and sisters know, since I am very close to to them. I slept for at least 10 hours last night, and when I woke up I started to think about how blessed I am to have such an extensive support system. Some of you know that when you comment on a blog post I have written, it arrives directly in my inbox. This is because I have enabled threaded comments. If you would like to set up your comments the same way, click on blogging tips at the top of the page, and click on the link "How to enable threaded comments." The tutorial comes with a picture, which is small, but you can click on it to make it bigger. I didn't reply to most of the kind comments I received in response to yesterday's post because I was so exhausted. I did appreciate all of them and they warmed my heart.
I will share with you some exciting news. For about six months I have been planning to make vintage miniature perfume bottles, soaps, perfume bottles, and vanity sets with a shabby chic theme. I have finally gathered all the materials necessary to make up these tiny treasures. I have a good tutorial as a starting off point, and my own ideas as well. My friend Pat is going to help me learn to use Resin, which I have never used before.
As soon as I feel comfortable making these minis, I will have a giveaway on my blog, and I will open an Etsy shop to sell these miniatures. I am still planning to sell beauty products on Etsy and hope to be shipping to to States within a year (It's too expensive to ship Internationally). I think selling miniature beauty products and full size beauty products on Etsy will be twice as nice! And I will definitely sell my miniatures internationally. I hope you are excited about my plans as I am!
I am going to do some reading up on Shabby Chic and would like to share two fantastic resources:
Here is the second one:
This issue of AIM magazine is entirely devoted to shabby chic! Take a look on my sidebar. Kat from Four Little Walls is having a great giveaway on her blog. Kat has a special place in my heart because she was the first miniature blogger who started following my blog :) Before then it was just two of my friends. Kat also has a lovely online store linked to her blog. It's filled with Christmas goodies for your Christmas scenes or dollhouse.
Life goes on, and I'm trying to honor my Grandpa's approach to life by living in the moment and taking big bites! My Grandpa remarried in his late 80s, was very active in volunteering, and him and his wife travelled extensively and shared many adventures before his declining health forced him to slow down about 2 years ago.
Hugs to all,
I felt numb yesterday as I let my friends know the news about my Grandpa, and let Mark's mother and sisters know, since I am very close to to them. I slept for at least 10 hours last night, and when I woke up I started to think about how blessed I am to have such an extensive support system. Some of you know that when you comment on a blog post I have written, it arrives directly in my inbox. This is because I have enabled threaded comments. If you would like to set up your comments the same way, click on blogging tips at the top of the page, and click on the link "How to enable threaded comments." The tutorial comes with a picture, which is small, but you can click on it to make it bigger. I didn't reply to most of the kind comments I received in response to yesterday's post because I was so exhausted. I did appreciate all of them and they warmed my heart.
I will share with you some exciting news. For about six months I have been planning to make vintage miniature perfume bottles, soaps, perfume bottles, and vanity sets with a shabby chic theme. I have finally gathered all the materials necessary to make up these tiny treasures. I have a good tutorial as a starting off point, and my own ideas as well. My friend Pat is going to help me learn to use Resin, which I have never used before.
As soon as I feel comfortable making these minis, I will have a giveaway on my blog, and I will open an Etsy shop to sell these miniatures. I am still planning to sell beauty products on Etsy and hope to be shipping to to States within a year (It's too expensive to ship Internationally). I think selling miniature beauty products and full size beauty products on Etsy will be twice as nice! And I will definitely sell my miniatures internationally. I hope you are excited about my plans as I am!
I am going to do some reading up on Shabby Chic and would like to share two fantastic resources:
Here is the second one:
This issue of AIM magazine is entirely devoted to shabby chic! Take a look on my sidebar. Kat from Four Little Walls is having a great giveaway on her blog. Kat has a special place in my heart because she was the first miniature blogger who started following my blog :) Before then it was just two of my friends. Kat also has a lovely online store linked to her blog. It's filled with Christmas goodies for your Christmas scenes or dollhouse.
Life goes on, and I'm trying to honor my Grandpa's approach to life by living in the moment and taking big bites! My Grandpa remarried in his late 80s, was very active in volunteering, and him and his wife travelled extensively and shared many adventures before his declining health forced him to slow down about 2 years ago.
Hugs to all,
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
Sooner than I expected
My Grandpa passed away peacefully last night after moving into hospice care. It is what I have wanted for him, to not be any more pain. That does not mean I do not feel a great amount of grief. I am planning to make this simple miniature project to give to my step Grandma at the funeral, which will be happening next week.
It's a fairly simple project, perhaps I will make up several, to give to my Aunts as well.
I'll be flying to Vancouver on Tuesday, to attend the funeral on Wednesday, and then flying back on Thursday. We will do our best to make the funeral service a celebration of my Grandpa's life.
I will share with you an Irish blessing, and one of my Grandpa's favorite Hymn's, which is also a favorite hymn of mine.
I'm not sure if I will resume my crazy Christmas mini scenes after I get back from Vancouver. I will put together the room box, but I think that we'll be it. I feel quite drained and exhausted and I'm not exaggerating when I say I have had very few nights of peaceful sleep since August. Last summer we were living in an apartment in a noisy neighbourhood frequented by drunks who liked to have noisy fights underneath our bedroom window. We moved into this townhouse in October, hoping at last to have peace and quiet, as it is a family friendly townhouse in a quiet neighbourhood. Unfortunately our neighbour on one side of us is about the rudest and least courteous person you can imagine.
After two months, many noise complaints and several calls to the police she finally got an eviction notice and will be gone as of Friday. I think all of you know how much I love posting on my miniature blog, but right now I just want to rest. So I don't know when I will be back.
Love Ruth
It's a fairly simple project, perhaps I will make up several, to give to my Aunts as well.
I'll be flying to Vancouver on Tuesday, to attend the funeral on Wednesday, and then flying back on Thursday. We will do our best to make the funeral service a celebration of my Grandpa's life.
I will share with you an Irish blessing, and one of my Grandpa's favorite Hymn's, which is also a favorite hymn of mine.
This Hymn is called Be Thou My Vision
I'm not sure if I will resume my crazy Christmas mini scenes after I get back from Vancouver. I will put together the room box, but I think that we'll be it. I feel quite drained and exhausted and I'm not exaggerating when I say I have had very few nights of peaceful sleep since August. Last summer we were living in an apartment in a noisy neighbourhood frequented by drunks who liked to have noisy fights underneath our bedroom window. We moved into this townhouse in October, hoping at last to have peace and quiet, as it is a family friendly townhouse in a quiet neighbourhood. Unfortunately our neighbour on one side of us is about the rudest and least courteous person you can imagine.
After two months, many noise complaints and several calls to the police she finally got an eviction notice and will be gone as of Friday. I think all of you know how much I love posting on my miniature blog, but right now I just want to rest. So I don't know when I will be back.
Love Ruth
Monday, 10 December 2012
Christmas Plum Pudding and Candle
I became interested in miniatures last February. Last March, I started browsing through ads on kijiji (it's like newspaper classifieds, online) to see who was selling off dollhouse miniatures they no longer wanted. By March I had also started to dream up future projects I wanted to do. In March I purchased a small room box from a lovely woman named June who had placed an ad on kijji. I told her I wanted to make a Christmas room box, and she had some Christmas items, so I bought some of them too.
Since then, a lot has changed. I started this blog in April. I called it My Krafty Life, because it was also about my homemade beauty products and other crafty pursuits. Eventually, I became frustrated, because I knew I wasn't attracting other mini bloggers because my blog wasn't exclusively about minis. So I split my blog in two.
My small Christmas room box has somehow exploded into about 3 or 4 different Christmas scenes. Right now, I'm having fun just rearranging them and eventually I'll decide what will go in the roombox, and then I'll create maybe two other Christmas scenes. I've also gone a bit crazy (for me) and bought more miniature food than usual on Etsy and bought supplies to take my first tentative steps into....making my own mini food.
Don't get too excited, I'll probably burn at least three batches. I think I'm going crazy in terms of miniature Christmas scenes because it looks like my own Christmas is going to be sad. Some of you know that my Grandpa is ill and dying. If you missed the post I wrote about it in November and would like to read it type Grandpa into the search bar and it will come up.I knew he didn't have much time left. I didn't expect his health to decline as fast as it has. Yesterday my parents flew to Vancouver (about an hour plane ride, about a 16 hr car ride), to help ease his transition from the hospital into a hospice and to stay with him until he dies.
He is now talking openly about wanting to go to Heaven. He is having trouble eating; he tries to eat for my step grandma's sake but finds it hard to summon an appetite. I've spend time around the elderly at the end of their lives. When they stop eating, they don't have much time left. I will grieve for him, of course. But mostly I feel at peace. He is 97 1/2. I think he deserves a rest.
He has always been one for celebration. He has always told me he wants me to go on with my life, that death is a part of life. Minis are always a good distraction. It's nice to focus on Christmas as well, which is about rebirth, family, tradition, and celebration.
Here is what I put together today. I used the candle Wyrna generously sent me. I included a Christmas plum pudding that I bought from Sarah Maloney, who writes the blog Dollhouse Kitchen. The cloth covering the table is a printable that I printed on to cloth fabric sheets you can insert into your inkjet printer.
The silver coffee pot is one that my parents picked up for me when they were travelling in Oregon. Make sure you check out the new giveaways posted on the sidebar of my blog! Anthea is now following my blog. She is offering a great giveaway at her blog Yew Tree Miniatures. She'll even let you choose from two options from her Etsy shops.
Goodnight my dear friends.
Your comments and kind words bring me a lot of comfort at a difficult time.
Since then, a lot has changed. I started this blog in April. I called it My Krafty Life, because it was also about my homemade beauty products and other crafty pursuits. Eventually, I became frustrated, because I knew I wasn't attracting other mini bloggers because my blog wasn't exclusively about minis. So I split my blog in two.
My small Christmas room box has somehow exploded into about 3 or 4 different Christmas scenes. Right now, I'm having fun just rearranging them and eventually I'll decide what will go in the roombox, and then I'll create maybe two other Christmas scenes. I've also gone a bit crazy (for me) and bought more miniature food than usual on Etsy and bought supplies to take my first tentative steps into....making my own mini food.
Don't get too excited, I'll probably burn at least three batches. I think I'm going crazy in terms of miniature Christmas scenes because it looks like my own Christmas is going to be sad. Some of you know that my Grandpa is ill and dying. If you missed the post I wrote about it in November and would like to read it type Grandpa into the search bar and it will come up.I knew he didn't have much time left. I didn't expect his health to decline as fast as it has. Yesterday my parents flew to Vancouver (about an hour plane ride, about a 16 hr car ride), to help ease his transition from the hospital into a hospice and to stay with him until he dies.
He is now talking openly about wanting to go to Heaven. He is having trouble eating; he tries to eat for my step grandma's sake but finds it hard to summon an appetite. I've spend time around the elderly at the end of their lives. When they stop eating, they don't have much time left. I will grieve for him, of course. But mostly I feel at peace. He is 97 1/2. I think he deserves a rest.
He has always been one for celebration. He has always told me he wants me to go on with my life, that death is a part of life. Minis are always a good distraction. It's nice to focus on Christmas as well, which is about rebirth, family, tradition, and celebration.
Here is what I put together today. I used the candle Wyrna generously sent me. I included a Christmas plum pudding that I bought from Sarah Maloney, who writes the blog Dollhouse Kitchen. The cloth covering the table is a printable that I printed on to cloth fabric sheets you can insert into your inkjet printer.
The silver coffee pot is one that my parents picked up for me when they were travelling in Oregon. Make sure you check out the new giveaways posted on the sidebar of my blog! Anthea is now following my blog. She is offering a great giveaway at her blog Yew Tree Miniatures. She'll even let you choose from two options from her Etsy shops.
Goodnight my dear friends.
Your comments and kind words bring me a lot of comfort at a difficult time.
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
I feel so lucky
Today I received a wonderful treat in the mail from my warm, generous friend Wyrna. I know some of you already know about Wyrna and how talented she is because you follow her delightful blog, A Fairytale Come True. If you haven't read her blog, you should!
Wyrna sent me these treats all the way from Denmark to cheer me up when she learned that I have been having a hard time lately. I squealed with delight as I opened the package. I couldn't believe how much she had sent. I kept finding more little boxes and bags filled with wonderful things. I took a picture of everything my dear friend sent me.
Wyrna recently asked me for advice on taking better pictures. It did take me awhile to get the knack of it, but once you learn a few simple tricks it's pretty easy. I told her I might right a blogging tutorial on the subject. If you would be interested in a blogging tutorial on taking the best pictures that you can, I will write one in January. Leave a comment on this post if you would like me to write this tutorial! A couple of my lovely followers emailed me yesterday and said they were unable to comment on the post I wrote yesterday. I have been having this problem when trying to post on other blogs all week. It is an issue with Google, not my particular blog. Google is being "glitchy" When I encounter this problem, I either keep trying to post a comment until it eventually works, or come back the next day. The problem is usually fixed within a day or too.
Hugs and Kisses to all my lovely Followers,
Wyrna sent me these treats all the way from Denmark to cheer me up when she learned that I have been having a hard time lately. I squealed with delight as I opened the package. I couldn't believe how much she had sent. I kept finding more little boxes and bags filled with wonderful things. I took a picture of everything my dear friend sent me.
Wyrna recently asked me for advice on taking better pictures. It did take me awhile to get the knack of it, but once you learn a few simple tricks it's pretty easy. I told her I might right a blogging tutorial on the subject. If you would be interested in a blogging tutorial on taking the best pictures that you can, I will write one in January. Leave a comment on this post if you would like me to write this tutorial! A couple of my lovely followers emailed me yesterday and said they were unable to comment on the post I wrote yesterday. I have been having this problem when trying to post on other blogs all week. It is an issue with Google, not my particular blog. Google is being "glitchy" When I encounter this problem, I either keep trying to post a comment until it eventually works, or come back the next day. The problem is usually fixed within a day or too.
I love everything Wyrna, your gift warmed my heart so much! |
Tuesday, 4 December 2012
Miniature Kitchen Shelf with goodies
I was planning to make a fireplace today, but I couldn't find the materials I was planning to use, so I rounded up some items I had on hand and put together a cute little Christmas Shelf scene.
I'm glad so many of you have found the AIM Christmas Advent Calendar Resource I shared with you useful. I want to let you know there are some more really valuable free tutorials and printies that you can start taking advantage of today!
When I first became interested in minis, I spent hours browsing the web, looking for resources. I would spend so long looking that my eyes would become so strained they would practically bug out and fall out of their sockets! So if I can save my wonderful followers that time and energy I am happy to do that. Here are some more places you can go for excellent, free tutorials and printies: Joann Swansons Blog! I cannot say enough good things about her and how generous she is! This is her blog: Not only is she providing a series of mini projects this year, but you can search her blog and use her fabulous projects from the last two years. Enter Sugar and Spice into the search box on the upper right hand corner of her blog. That Christmas project is my personal favourite. You can also search for A Swedish Christmas.
I'm nowhere near done telling you about all the great resources out there! The biggest resource I have found on the web is I have sent you to the page specifically about Christmas, but there are pages upon pages of free resources about every subject you can possibly imagine. All you have to do is enter the subject you're interested in into the search bar, and the relevant page will come up. If you are interested in being involved in Editing this page and adding your own projects, please email me privately. My contact information can be found by clicking on "View my complete profile" and then clicking on "Contact me".
I have a couple more things to do before I post the picture of my project. miniatures provides some nice printies and project ideas. This is the link to the miniature projects: Two more links and then I'm done. Paper minis! These kits are very high quality and inexpensive. If you live in the States they probably won't take long to reach you. If you live else where, they might not reach you in Time for Christmas! But keep them in mind for your future projects! Here's the link: One more link, which The blogger true to scale generously provides each year:
Ok! I think it's finally time to post my own project:) Here it is!
I'm glad so many of you have found the AIM Christmas Advent Calendar Resource I shared with you useful. I want to let you know there are some more really valuable free tutorials and printies that you can start taking advantage of today!
When I first became interested in minis, I spent hours browsing the web, looking for resources. I would spend so long looking that my eyes would become so strained they would practically bug out and fall out of their sockets! So if I can save my wonderful followers that time and energy I am happy to do that. Here are some more places you can go for excellent, free tutorials and printies: Joann Swansons Blog! I cannot say enough good things about her and how generous she is! This is her blog: Not only is she providing a series of mini projects this year, but you can search her blog and use her fabulous projects from the last two years. Enter Sugar and Spice into the search box on the upper right hand corner of her blog. That Christmas project is my personal favourite. You can also search for A Swedish Christmas.
I'm nowhere near done telling you about all the great resources out there! The biggest resource I have found on the web is I have sent you to the page specifically about Christmas, but there are pages upon pages of free resources about every subject you can possibly imagine. All you have to do is enter the subject you're interested in into the search bar, and the relevant page will come up. If you are interested in being involved in Editing this page and adding your own projects, please email me privately. My contact information can be found by clicking on "View my complete profile" and then clicking on "Contact me".
I have a couple more things to do before I post the picture of my project. miniatures provides some nice printies and project ideas. This is the link to the miniature projects: Two more links and then I'm done. Paper minis! These kits are very high quality and inexpensive. If you live in the States they probably won't take long to reach you. If you live else where, they might not reach you in Time for Christmas! But keep them in mind for your future projects! Here's the link: One more link, which The blogger true to scale generously provides each year:
Ok! I think it's finally time to post my own project:) Here it is!
They're a bit difficult to see, but on the bottom shelf are gingerbread men cookies and a bowl of candies!
Never fear! I'm getting a better Camera after Christmas, even if it's just another point and shoot camera with better zoom capacity. I'll buy it myself if I have to! I'll go to the sales they have the week after Christmas and I should be able to get one for about a hundred dollars, which isn't a bad price at all.
Before I go, I'd like to extend I warm welcome to my new followers, and Raven in particular. she is new to blogging, and she is so talented. Please go check out her blog, Raven's Nest, I've made it really easy for you by giving you the link: Let's show her our support and let her know what a warm, generous community of miniature bloggers we have. Well, I have to go! I have a husband to take care of and a house to clean. Love, Ruth |
Monday, 3 December 2012
You DON'T want to miss This!
The AIM Advent Calendar features a mini Christmas project for every day in December. They have posted the one for December today, and will go all the way to December 24th. One for every day in December! On their website You will find a link on their website for archived issues. If you click on it you will find the Advent Calendars for 2 previous years
Go here to start reading this advent Calendar:
So now you have so many high qualify, free Christmas tutorials at your finger tips.
Just a couple of more things I would like to say. You may have noticed I have change my theme. Again :) I will probably never settle down with one theme. I always end up wanting a change. But I don't want to keep disorienting my followers. So I have decided to stick to the free borders that the blogger plumrose lane offers. That's keeping in as simple as possible.
Please check out the new giveaways I have posted on my sideboard!
Go here to start reading this advent Calendar:
So now you have so many high qualify, free Christmas tutorials at your finger tips.
Just a couple of more things I would like to say. You may have noticed I have change my theme. Again :) I will probably never settle down with one theme. I always end up wanting a change. But I don't want to keep disorienting my followers. So I have decided to stick to the free borders that the blogger plumrose lane offers. That's keeping in as simple as possible.
Please check out the new giveaways I have posted on my sideboard!
Thursday, 22 November 2012
Mini Christmas Tree with Presents.
I have chosen to include a video of a lovely Celtic Woman's Group singing Oh Holy Night. This is one of my favorite Christmas Carols and I wish I had the vocal skills to pull it off. I started playing the piano when I was 7 and took up the flute when I was 11, so even though I'm not a good singer, my musical training taught me to notice when I voice in off key. It really makes me cringe when I hear someone butchering one of my favorite songs! I know, I should really just be nice and let everyone enjoy singing their favorite Carols. But it's impossible NOT to notice when you've spent years training yourself to pay attention to tuning.
Today I am sharing with you a tiny Christmas tree and some prezzies wrapped and placed under the tree with care.I think this is pretty cute.
I will just take a moment and say that I don't know how my American friends do it.
Thanksgiving is in November, then Christmas is in December! The stress of all the turkey dinners, and family get togethers and family parties would really do me in.In Canada Thanksgiving is the first weekend of October.
And as for the lovely Aussies who follow my blog, I am just plain jealous that you get to celebrate Christmas in the middle of Summer! You get to go to the beach, frolic in the sunshine, enough said.
Enjoy your day everyone,
Mini Hugs,
Monday, 19 November 2012
Milk and Cookies for Santa
I've decided to post bits and pieces that will make up my Christmas room box and then post the whole room box as a grand finale. I have also amassed more Christmas minis than will fit in the room box I have designated for this project, so that's another reason why I've chosen this approach.
I think I will risk driving Marissa around the bend and include another Christmas song in this post! Don't worry, Marissa, this song isn't your typical Christmas song, it's just mellow and lovely, in my opinion.
Today I am including a picture of milk and cookies for Santa. There is also an apple for Rudolph and an adorable note. The milk and cookies are set on a table, which is from the library kit from Greenleaf. I bought it last spring and stained it in a dark mahogany color.
Many Hugs to all my lovely followers,
I think I will risk driving Marissa around the bend and include another Christmas song in this post! Don't worry, Marissa, this song isn't your typical Christmas song, it's just mellow and lovely, in my opinion.
Today I am including a picture of milk and cookies for Santa. There is also an apple for Rudolph and an adorable note. The milk and cookies are set on a table, which is from the library kit from Greenleaf. I bought it last spring and stained it in a dark mahogany color.
Many Hugs to all my lovely followers,
Friday, 16 November 2012
Let's get ready for Christmas!
I have Josh Groban's Noel Album on my ipod and really like to listen to it around Christmas.
I don't have the energy to put together my Christmas scene or work on any of my miniature project right now, so I decided I would do a favorite things post.
The first item pictured is something I found on Etsy. The others are from
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I found this adorable Christmas Pudding Gift Box in sarahmaloney's Doll House Kitchen Etsy shop. |
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A great addition to a Christmas Scene |
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A Christmas Martini! |
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This little guy captured my heart! |
Monday, 12 November 2012
My Grandpa's Dying
My first miniature project was a gift for my Grandpa's 97th birthday. He loved his gift and I just a letter from him in the mail the other day with a picture of the two of us on the morning I gave it to him and a hand written note saying "Visitors are intrigued by your gift."
I want to write more about what a generous man he is, how much integrity he has, all the happy memories I have of him. He prays for each of his nine grandchildren every morning by name every morning, something which has comforted me so much during the difficult periods in my life.
He is the first to say that he has lived a full, rich life and that he feels at peace about dying. But I can't help but feel that it is one of life's cruelties that after more than a decade of being extremely sick, only now when I am much better and am able to be fully present in all my relationships that it is his time to go.
I suppose it is a blessing that he lived long enough to see me get well, but right now all I can feel is grief.
This is the present I made for my Grandpa and gave to him last July
I want to write more about what a generous man he is, how much integrity he has, all the happy memories I have of him. He prays for each of his nine grandchildren every morning by name every morning, something which has comforted me so much during the difficult periods in my life.
He is the first to say that he has lived a full, rich life and that he feels at peace about dying. But I can't help but feel that it is one of life's cruelties that after more than a decade of being extremely sick, only now when I am much better and am able to be fully present in all my relationships that it is his time to go.
I suppose it is a blessing that he lived long enough to see me get well, but right now all I can feel is grief.
This is the present I made for my Grandpa and gave to him last July
Two more giveaways!
I guess people are feeling generous because it's the holiday season. The first of the two giveaways you can find on the sidebar of my blog. The second give away you can find at
This is a great giveaway and if you enter it you are eligible to win something every day until the giveaway ends! It started on November 1rst so you won't get 25 chances to win but it's till a great giveaway!
Hurry over and take a look-see!
This is a great giveaway and if you enter it you are eligible to win something every day until the giveaway ends! It started on November 1rst so you won't get 25 chances to win but it's till a great giveaway!
Hurry over and take a look-see!
Sunday, 11 November 2012
Check out Audra's giveaway!
Audra writes the blog Honey I shrunk the House. It is a great blog and I am very excited that she is offering a giveaway. She is giving away the adorable cat and fishbowl that is in the picture on the sidebar of my blog.
If you click on the picture it will take you directly to the giveaway post. Good luck! I will be popping by now and then for quick posts. I just love chatting with all of you. That's what it feels like when I write my posts. Having a good chat with a bunch of great friends that I have been lucky enough to meet.
Just for a teaser....I have a Christmas Roombox that's pretty much good to go. I started collecting items for it back in the spring :P And when I post that project, I'm going to come back with a new blog template! I love switching up my blog template. That's one thing you can count on if you follow my blog. I might never settle down with one design. Too many lovely options to choose from...
Hugs to all,
If you click on the picture it will take you directly to the giveaway post. Good luck! I will be popping by now and then for quick posts. I just love chatting with all of you. That's what it feels like when I write my posts. Having a good chat with a bunch of great friends that I have been lucky enough to meet.
Just for a teaser....I have a Christmas Roombox that's pretty much good to go. I started collecting items for it back in the spring :P And when I post that project, I'm going to come back with a new blog template! I love switching up my blog template. That's one thing you can count on if you follow my blog. I might never settle down with one design. Too many lovely options to choose from...
Hugs to all,
Monday, 5 November 2012
The New AIM Magazine is here!
I'll always have time to read this free, wonderful magazine.
Go here to download or read the latest issue.
Go here to download or read the latest issue.
Thursday, 1 November 2012
Something sweet arrived in the mail
Such a small gesture from someone we don't know can make such a difference. That is why I go out of my way to be kind to everyone. This isn't always possible, because I have grumpy days, I am not a saint. But I try my best.
Anna, who has the blog, It's the Little things, very kindly offered to send me a tiny tray of Caramel Apples when I left a comment about them on her blog. Today has not been a good day for me. I have had a frustrating day with my homemade beauty products, trying to figure out how to ship things properly so they don't spill all over the place in the mail, and decided what I shouldn't include in my Etsy shop because it's not worth the headache of trying to ship it.
Anna's lovely gift arrived today, and it was such a kind gesture that I started to cry when I opened the itsy bitsy package. I wrote her an email thanking her. You can see a picture of the caramel apples in her blog post here :
I encourage all of you to go visit her blog. Her creations are wonderful, and she has a kind, generous, spirit.
I'm so happy to have new followers who are joining me, even though I am not able to post very much right now. I really miss blogging regularly about minis, and will get back to it as soon as I have time.
Anna, who has the blog, It's the Little things, very kindly offered to send me a tiny tray of Caramel Apples when I left a comment about them on her blog. Today has not been a good day for me. I have had a frustrating day with my homemade beauty products, trying to figure out how to ship things properly so they don't spill all over the place in the mail, and decided what I shouldn't include in my Etsy shop because it's not worth the headache of trying to ship it.
Anna's lovely gift arrived today, and it was such a kind gesture that I started to cry when I opened the itsy bitsy package. I wrote her an email thanking her. You can see a picture of the caramel apples in her blog post here :
I encourage all of you to go visit her blog. Her creations are wonderful, and she has a kind, generous, spirit.
I'm so happy to have new followers who are joining me, even though I am not able to post very much right now. I really miss blogging regularly about minis, and will get back to it as soon as I have time.
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
I'll be gone for awhile
From now until the end of December, all my energy is going towards stocking my Etsy shop with my handmade beauty products, and filling Christmas orders. This means I won't have time to complete my Halloween Scene, I won't be going to attending any Miniature Club Workshops or meetings until the New year, and I will only resume if I have the time or the energy, which is a question mark at this point.
I have been very happy and lucky to be able to devote so much time to my blog over the past six months. Unfortunately, I don't have that luxury any more, since paying the bills takes priority.
I hope to have more time to devote to this blog in the new year.
I have been very happy and lucky to be able to devote so much time to my blog over the past six months. Unfortunately, I don't have that luxury any more, since paying the bills takes priority.
I hope to have more time to devote to this blog in the new year.
Wednesday, 24 October 2012
A quick post to tell my followers how much I appreciate them
Anyone who has been following my blog for awhile knows that I love quotes, and I fit them in whenever I can.
I wish I had time to take pictures of my Nursery Room Box, which is coming along nicely, or work on my halloween scene, which I have planned out in my mind, I just have to put it together.
It is a good thing that I am extremely busy filling orders for my new Etsy shop. It you want to hop over and take a look the link is There is currently only one item listed, but by the end of the day there will be four more, and by tomorrow there will be two more, and each day I will be adding more!
I do not talk about my personal life very much on my blog, it is somewhere where I can simply share with my followers my love of miniatures. I will only say that the past decade has been extremely hard and the chronic illness I have was very severe for a long time. My health started to improve in the last couple of years, and then I started to heal and thrive creatively.
I'm happy to welcome my new followers, little green fingers who is from Edmonton, my own city! I hope we will meet face to face some time. I also welcome Tiggy and Victoria Rocus. Just to let my new followers know, and any existing followers who don't know this, when you comment on a post it arrives in my inbox, and I reply to every comment I receive, then I publish it. I have it set up this way since I have enabled threaded comments, which you can learn about if you click on the label on the left sidebar that says blogging tips. If you want to email me privately, click on view my complete profile, and click on the link email, under the heading Contact Me.
Hugs and Kisses to all of my lovely Blogging Friends and Followers,
cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great
love. ~ Mother Theresa
I think this quote is a great one for miniaturists!I wish I had time to take pictures of my Nursery Room Box, which is coming along nicely, or work on my halloween scene, which I have planned out in my mind, I just have to put it together.
It is a good thing that I am extremely busy filling orders for my new Etsy shop. It you want to hop over and take a look the link is There is currently only one item listed, but by the end of the day there will be four more, and by tomorrow there will be two more, and each day I will be adding more!
I do not talk about my personal life very much on my blog, it is somewhere where I can simply share with my followers my love of miniatures. I will only say that the past decade has been extremely hard and the chronic illness I have was very severe for a long time. My health started to improve in the last couple of years, and then I started to heal and thrive creatively.
I'm happy to welcome my new followers, little green fingers who is from Edmonton, my own city! I hope we will meet face to face some time. I also welcome Tiggy and Victoria Rocus. Just to let my new followers know, and any existing followers who don't know this, when you comment on a post it arrives in my inbox, and I reply to every comment I receive, then I publish it. I have it set up this way since I have enabled threaded comments, which you can learn about if you click on the label on the left sidebar that says blogging tips. If you want to email me privately, click on view my complete profile, and click on the link email, under the heading Contact Me.
Hugs and Kisses to all of my lovely Blogging Friends and Followers,
Friday, 19 October 2012
I'm opening an Etsy shop! But not to sell miniatues...
I am excited to share the news with all of my followers that I will have my Etsy Shop, Sweetheart Body Care, up and running next week. Unfortunately, I am only going to be shipping within Canada since shipping internationally is too expensive. I have created a Facebook page where I will be sharing do it yourself beauty recipes, natural home remedies, as well as diet and lifestyle advice that has improved the look of my skin. So anyone who enjoys experimenting with simple beauty recipes or is curious to learn about how to get started can benefit from liking my page. This is a link to my Facebook Page:
I want take a moment to say I'll be very pleased if you like my page, but on the whole, I like to keep my personal Facebook Account and my blogging life separate. So please don't send me friend requests. I have a very small group of Facebook Friends and that's the way I would like to keep it. I hope this does not hurt anyone's feelings as I enjoy corresponding with many of you by email, and your comments really touch my heart.
Since I am putting a lot of time and energy into making a success of my homemade beauty products, I won't be able to post as much on this blog, which makes me sad, because I love blogging about miniatures.
I will be posting about the ongoing progress of My Nursery Room Box, and a Halloween Scene I'm working on. I'll try to fit in as many tutorials as I can, but these tutorials are more time consuming and don't bring me as much joy as blogging about my miniature projects. If you have a tutorial question, feel free to email me and I"ll do my best to help you solve the problem.
This year I'm going to create as many miniature scenes as I can, and when I have the time and the money, create miniature toiletries and, perfume bottles, and vanity table scenes. The miniature toiletries and vanity scenes are what I plan to sell on Etsy. That's right, I'm planning on eventually opening another Etsy shop to sell my miniatures! Another miniature goal of mine for this year is to learn how to make polymer clay food. Luckily, there are lots of great tutorials on the web, and a good friend of mine has offered to teach me.
I would like to welcome my new followers: charipili , debbie, Rosethé Perdita Marsh, ANGELES, CWPoppets, Bercuhi Kip and Elianna Martin. I feel very blessed and inspired by my followers, and always enjoy hearing your feedback.
I want take a moment to say I'll be very pleased if you like my page, but on the whole, I like to keep my personal Facebook Account and my blogging life separate. So please don't send me friend requests. I have a very small group of Facebook Friends and that's the way I would like to keep it. I hope this does not hurt anyone's feelings as I enjoy corresponding with many of you by email, and your comments really touch my heart.
Since I am putting a lot of time and energy into making a success of my homemade beauty products, I won't be able to post as much on this blog, which makes me sad, because I love blogging about miniatures.
I will be posting about the ongoing progress of My Nursery Room Box, and a Halloween Scene I'm working on. I'll try to fit in as many tutorials as I can, but these tutorials are more time consuming and don't bring me as much joy as blogging about my miniature projects. If you have a tutorial question, feel free to email me and I"ll do my best to help you solve the problem.
This year I'm going to create as many miniature scenes as I can, and when I have the time and the money, create miniature toiletries and, perfume bottles, and vanity table scenes. The miniature toiletries and vanity scenes are what I plan to sell on Etsy. That's right, I'm planning on eventually opening another Etsy shop to sell my miniatures! Another miniature goal of mine for this year is to learn how to make polymer clay food. Luckily, there are lots of great tutorials on the web, and a good friend of mine has offered to teach me.
I would like to welcome my new followers: charipili , debbie, Rosethé Perdita Marsh, ANGELES, CWPoppets, Bercuhi Kip and Elianna Martin. I feel very blessed and inspired by my followers, and always enjoy hearing your feedback.
Wednesday, 10 October 2012
How to remove the word verification feature
Do you comment a lot on other blogs? Do you get extremely annoyed when you have to squint and try and read those squiggly words and numbers? Do you sometimes get so worked up about it that you yell at your computer? :)
If you answered yes to any of these questions, join me in the movement to get rid of those annoying squiggles. They may be actually preventing people from leaving comments on your blog, since they are so frustrating.
It's a very simple thing to change. Go to your settings tab, then click on the Posts and Comments Tab.
Next to Show Word Verification, choose no.
Adding comment authorization is simple as well. Under the Posts and Comments Tab, you will find the option to moderate comments. Choose always. Underneath there is a box where you will type in the email address where you would like the comments awaiting approval to go.
To enlarge any of the photos simply click on them.
If you answered yes to any of these questions, join me in the movement to get rid of those annoying squiggles. They may be actually preventing people from leaving comments on your blog, since they are so frustrating.
It's a very simple thing to change. Go to your settings tab, then click on the Posts and Comments Tab.
To enlarge any of the photos simply click on them.
Sunday, 7 October 2012
Miniature Breakfast Scene for my Mom
I have decided not to include pictures of my mom accepting her gift, since I have added all the social media buttons to my blog and want to respect the privacy of my friends and relatives.
Working on a miniature project is so calming. It is totally absorbing, and it distracts me from any niggling worries or everyday anxieties I have.
I really enjoyed making this miniature scene. I'm pleased that I was able to make it mostly with items I already had on hand. The chairs are part of a kitchen set I picked up at Antique Mall in the spring. The little table is from a $2 wooden living room set I picked up at the dollar store some months back.
The base is a picture frame, with the glass and backing removed. I inserted book board and glued a vintage linoleum print that I found on Joann Swanson's Blog. You can buy book board at specialty stationary shops, or you can cut up an old binder and use the board underneath the vinyl cover, which is what I did.
The only thing I had to go out and buy are the adorable breakfast plates. They came with the cups of coffee. There aren't any stores in my city that specifically cater to Dollhouse and Miniatures, but there is a store in St. Albert (a small city north of Edmonton) called Daisy's Dollhouse which carries a small selection. The owner specializes in wooden play scale, (Barbie sized) dollhouses and accessories, but her daughter in law orders some 1:12 scale furniture and accessories for the store.
Don't worry, Michelle and Wyrna, I will be writing tutorials for both of you soon :) But today I must prepare for my parents' visit. They are driving up from Calgary, a city which is 4 hours away.
Working on a miniature project is so calming. It is totally absorbing, and it distracts me from any niggling worries or everyday anxieties I have.
I really enjoyed making this miniature scene. I'm pleased that I was able to make it mostly with items I already had on hand. The chairs are part of a kitchen set I picked up at Antique Mall in the spring. The little table is from a $2 wooden living room set I picked up at the dollar store some months back.
The base is a picture frame, with the glass and backing removed. I inserted book board and glued a vintage linoleum print that I found on Joann Swanson's Blog. You can buy book board at specialty stationary shops, or you can cut up an old binder and use the board underneath the vinyl cover, which is what I did.
The only thing I had to go out and buy are the adorable breakfast plates. They came with the cups of coffee. There aren't any stores in my city that specifically cater to Dollhouse and Miniatures, but there is a store in St. Albert (a small city north of Edmonton) called Daisy's Dollhouse which carries a small selection. The owner specializes in wooden play scale, (Barbie sized) dollhouses and accessories, but her daughter in law orders some 1:12 scale furniture and accessories for the store.
Don't worry, Michelle and Wyrna, I will be writing tutorials for both of you soon :) But today I must prepare for my parents' visit. They are driving up from Calgary, a city which is 4 hours away.
Thursday, 4 October 2012
My guest blog at
Oh wait, I'm supposed to be at home with no internet, right? Well, I spent about four hours unpacking and cleaning this morning, and clearing a space for the small table which will be my temporary workstation.
When my poor exhausted husband returned from a friend's house with a larger dining room table (to replace the small table which is becoming my workstation) he wanted to take a break. Since I had nowhere to work on the miniature scene I am making for my mum's birthday, I decided to come to the library and take advantage of the free internet they provide :)
Before I sign off, next on my list of blog topics is to to write a blogging tutorial about how to to remove comment verification and I might as well include how to authorize comments in the same post, since my friend Michelle has asked me how to do it.
Wyrna, I read the comment you left and I know I can help you in regards to your second question and I will look into the first. I want to let all of my followers know that if they have any blog related issues or troubles, don't hesitate to ask about them in a comment. Or you can email me directly by clicking on "View my complete profile" and clicking on the link "contact me". Wyrna, I would like to email you privately to further discuss your questions but I could not find an email address on your blog. So please email me from your email account and we can get sorted out.
I think I will head home pretty soon. I am quite sore from running up and down stairs, lifting boxes, ect.
I'll be back soon!
When my poor exhausted husband returned from a friend's house with a larger dining room table (to replace the small table which is becoming my workstation) he wanted to take a break. Since I had nowhere to work on the miniature scene I am making for my mum's birthday, I decided to come to the library and take advantage of the free internet they provide :)
Before I sign off, next on my list of blog topics is to to write a blogging tutorial about how to to remove comment verification and I might as well include how to authorize comments in the same post, since my friend Michelle has asked me how to do it.
Wyrna, I read the comment you left and I know I can help you in regards to your second question and I will look into the first. I want to let all of my followers know that if they have any blog related issues or troubles, don't hesitate to ask about them in a comment. Or you can email me directly by clicking on "View my complete profile" and clicking on the link "contact me". Wyrna, I would like to email you privately to further discuss your questions but I could not find an email address on your blog. So please email me from your email account and we can get sorted out.
I think I will head home pretty soon. I am quite sore from running up and down stairs, lifting boxes, ect.
I'll be back soon!
Tuesday, 2 October 2012
Oh No, I'll have no Internet for 3 days!
It's not that long, really. I just enjoy cruising the blogosphere so much! While I'm "cut off" I'll be working on the miniature scene for my mom's birthday. All the supplies are gathered. Itching to get started!
I'm also looking forward to getting together with two friends from the Edmonton Miniatures Club to do a Halloween Project. We haven't decided what to do yet, but I would really like to try Joann Swanson's Halloween Peddler's Cart:'s+Cart
There are also a ton of ideas to be found here:
Whatever we decide on, it's sure to be a lot of fun. I have more exciting news! I have found enough creative ways to make money from home that I don't have to go back to work for someone else. This is a HUGE relief. I have a chronic health condition that only allows me to work part time. My husband works really long hours and life is so much more pleasant when I have more time and energy to shop for groceries (we both have special diets so shopping is even more of an adventure!), cook dinner and keep our home clean.
I was also really worried that I wouldn't have the energy to go to the Miniature Club meetings if I had to work outside the home. Now I can go to mini meetings, and I'll have time to practise and learn new mini making skills, and start having products parties for my homemade beauty products.
I'll be back on Friday! I will miss all my mini friends from around the world.
Mini Hugs,
I'm also looking forward to getting together with two friends from the Edmonton Miniatures Club to do a Halloween Project. We haven't decided what to do yet, but I would really like to try Joann Swanson's Halloween Peddler's Cart:'s+Cart
There are also a ton of ideas to be found here:
Whatever we decide on, it's sure to be a lot of fun. I have more exciting news! I have found enough creative ways to make money from home that I don't have to go back to work for someone else. This is a HUGE relief. I have a chronic health condition that only allows me to work part time. My husband works really long hours and life is so much more pleasant when I have more time and energy to shop for groceries (we both have special diets so shopping is even more of an adventure!), cook dinner and keep our home clean.
I was also really worried that I wouldn't have the energy to go to the Miniature Club meetings if I had to work outside the home. Now I can go to mini meetings, and I'll have time to practise and learn new mini making skills, and start having products parties for my homemade beauty products.
I'll be back on Friday! I will miss all my mini friends from around the world.
Mini Hugs,
Sunday, 30 September 2012
Tomorrow we are moving into our "Shabby Chic" Townhouse
The townhouse we are moving into is quite old. Because of that, it looks shabby on the outside. The paint is peeling. It has weathered many cold Canadian winters.
But the inside is truly fabulous! The rooms are big compared to modern townhouses and condominiums and downstairs the floors are the original hardwood from about 20 years ago. I love my new home and am embracing it by calling it our Shabby Chic Townhouse!
I can't wait to get moved in, unpacked, and start creating miniatures again! I have not been working on miniature projects for about 2 months, since our move and other life events have called for my attention.
I am so happy to welcome Jody, Tink, Assension, Ana, Marianna and Olga to my blog. I feel very blessed by the supportive community I have found through blogging.
I love new beginnings!
I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning. -J. B. Priestly
But the inside is truly fabulous! The rooms are big compared to modern townhouses and condominiums and downstairs the floors are the original hardwood from about 20 years ago. I love my new home and am embracing it by calling it our Shabby Chic Townhouse!
I can't wait to get moved in, unpacked, and start creating miniatures again! I have not been working on miniature projects for about 2 months, since our move and other life events have called for my attention.
I am so happy to welcome Jody, Tink, Assension, Ana, Marianna and Olga to my blog. I feel very blessed by the supportive community I have found through blogging.
I love new beginnings!
I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning. -J. B. Priestly
Friday, 28 September 2012
I just have so much to say....
I guess having two of my own blogs is not enough for me, when I started following a really great Canadian blog called Simply Frugal and read on Taya's blog that she was interested in guest bloggers, I told her I would like to blog about trying to save money and use coupons when both partners are on special diets! She just got back to me that she will be posting my guest blog.
This makes me happy. I love to write and blog, and will continue to look for every opportunity to do both. I will put up a link to the post when it appears on her blog. It will be next week sometime.
Goodnight everyone,
In Canada it's bedtime
This makes me happy. I love to write and blog, and will continue to look for every opportunity to do both. I will put up a link to the post when it appears on her blog. It will be next week sometime.
Goodnight everyone,
In Canada it's bedtime
Just recieved my first spam comment.
If you look at the second comment about Advice on opening an Etsy shop, and then click on the poster's blog, this is clearly spam.
I think my blog is a bigger target because of all the social media sharing buttons I use. For more information on these buttons, refer to my post "How to increase traffic to your blog" Oh, well. Guess I'll be moving over to comment verification!
I think my blog is a bigger target because of all the social media sharing buttons I use. For more information on these buttons, refer to my post "How to increase traffic to your blog" Oh, well. Guess I'll be moving over to comment verification!
Thursday, 27 September 2012
More Etsy Advice
I am taking a much deserved break from packing, since I've been doing it for hours!
I was reading a great Canadian frugal living blog, called Mrs. January, and came across this link:
I think it's full of great advice. What do you think?
I was reading a great Canadian frugal living blog, called Mrs. January, and came across this link:
I think it's full of great advice. What do you think?
Etsy Advice
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
I just removed the word verification feature
The word verification feature is set up as a default to anyone who starts a blog with Blogger. If you love to comment on other blogs, I think you know what I'm talking about. The wavy letters, combined with a number. Usually illegible enough that I need to click on the tiny grey circle several times before it pops out one that I can read!
I have kept this feature because according to Google, it's necessary to avoid spam. I removed it because I want to make it easier for people (especially for my older relatives who subscribe by email), to comment on posts.
I don't think my blog is a huge target for spam, but if that becomes an issue, I can always switch to comment approval.
Would you like to change these settings on your blog? Let me know and I'll write a tutorial on it. Next week! Because I'm up to my ears in packing boxes right now, and scheming about my mom's present on the side.
Mini Hugs,
I have kept this feature because according to Google, it's necessary to avoid spam. I removed it because I want to make it easier for people (especially for my older relatives who subscribe by email), to comment on posts.
I don't think my blog is a huge target for spam, but if that becomes an issue, I can always switch to comment approval.
Would you like to change these settings on your blog? Let me know and I'll write a tutorial on it. Next week! Because I'm up to my ears in packing boxes right now, and scheming about my mom's present on the side.
Mini Hugs,
Saturday, 22 September 2012
Eeep! I forgot my Mom's Birthday is coming up
I am very pleased to welcome three new followers. Sylvia is from Spain, Doreen is from Canada (it always nice to have a fellow Canadian following my blog) and Jody is from the Netherlands. Jody might have noticed my last name is Dutch. It's my married name. My Father in law was born in Holland and immigrated to Canada with his family when he was 12.
I love following blogs from all over the world. It's quite fascinating, although Google translate isn't perfect and the translation often makes me giggle.
My Mom is coming to visit us in Edmonton on October 6th. I would really like to make her a small miniature scene. I've been contemplating a couple of possibilities. I have a couple of tricks up my sleeve for putting together a scene without spending a lot of money.
I'll post a picture of the scene and explain how I put it together, but not until I give it to my Mom! She just signed up to receive my blog posts by email.
Have a great weekend everyone! Next week will be our last week in this apartment and next weekend we will be loading up a moving truck, cleaning like crazy (I am lucky enough to have helpers), and moving into a townhouse.
I love following blogs from all over the world. It's quite fascinating, although Google translate isn't perfect and the translation often makes me giggle.
My Mom is coming to visit us in Edmonton on October 6th. I would really like to make her a small miniature scene. I've been contemplating a couple of possibilities. I have a couple of tricks up my sleeve for putting together a scene without spending a lot of money.
I'll post a picture of the scene and explain how I put it together, but not until I give it to my Mom! She just signed up to receive my blog posts by email.
Have a great weekend everyone! Next week will be our last week in this apartment and next weekend we will be loading up a moving truck, cleaning like crazy (I am lucky enough to have helpers), and moving into a townhouse.
Friday, 21 September 2012
Advice on opening an Etsy Shop
Am I capable of writing a quick post? I think today I am, since my seasonal allergies are bothering me. I would like to welcome my new follower, Drora! I'm so glad you've joined me.
Last week I wrote a post seeking advice on opening an Etsy shop. This is a future dream of mine. Who knows when it will happen? A lot depends on how busy next year gets for me.
Jazzi of Jazzi Mini's left a comment in response to this post, sharing her experiences. She is definitely worth listening to, as she has a great Etsy shop and I think many of my followers already know of her.
I also came across a blog post that gave great advice about running an Etsy shop. The blog author gave me permission to post the link, so here it is:
This is a great blog with lots of tutorials, it's worth checking out.
Last week I wrote a post seeking advice on opening an Etsy shop. This is a future dream of mine. Who knows when it will happen? A lot depends on how busy next year gets for me.
Jazzi of Jazzi Mini's left a comment in response to this post, sharing her experiences. She is definitely worth listening to, as she has a great Etsy shop and I think many of my followers already know of her.
I also came across a blog post that gave great advice about running an Etsy shop. The blog author gave me permission to post the link, so here it is:
This is a great blog with lots of tutorials, it's worth checking out.
Thursday, 20 September 2012
How do increase traffic to your blog
I decided this would be a perfect topic for Blogging Tips since I have started to get more followers lately. I would like to begin by welcoming my new Followers: Steve, Kim Stuart-Gregory and Julia. Julia has even started following my Beauty Blog, so extra thanks to Julia :)
Here are my tips:
1) Be willing to take risks in design and be innovative in subject matter. For example, I don't only post when I have a miniature scene to display. My 33 Ways to Be Creative post was very popular, I also like to post about interesting miniatures that have caught my eye. My blogging tips have also been very popular
2) Be clear and concise in your writing style and write in a warm, engaging style that will draw your reader in.
3) Be consistent in how often you post. Lately I have been posting almost everyday because I'm not working. I'm going back to work in October, so we'll see what happens then! Your followers appreciate consistency from you, and knowing roughly how often you post establishes a predictable pattern.
5) Depending on the subject matter of your blog, seek out online groups or forums to connect with others who share your interests. If you blog about miniatures, you must start following Jazzi Mini's Blog and joining her weekly linky parties! Linky parties give you a chance to submit a thumbnail picture of a project you're working on. It's a chance for you to discover other blogs, and to get your blog noticed. I've seen other linky parties all over the blogosphere.
6) Go to in order to get the Add This tool box. You'll need to register, which is free. If you look at the bottom of my post, you will see little icons for facebook like, pin it, tweet and share. I got this by installing the Add this toolbar.
7) Get out there and connect with other bloggers you admire. This might include leaving a comment on one of their post or sending them an email. As some of my followers know, that's what led them to start following me, much to my surprise. Your comments must be genuine and come straight from the heart. If you are only commenting as a way to try and get someone to start following your blog, that's very transparent and won't work.
8) Last but not least, consider creating an account on If you look in the top left hand corner of my blog, you will see my badge.
Here are my tips:
1) Be willing to take risks in design and be innovative in subject matter. For example, I don't only post when I have a miniature scene to display. My 33 Ways to Be Creative post was very popular, I also like to post about interesting miniatures that have caught my eye. My blogging tips have also been very popular
2) Be clear and concise in your writing style and write in a warm, engaging style that will draw your reader in.
3) Be consistent in how often you post. Lately I have been posting almost everyday because I'm not working. I'm going back to work in October, so we'll see what happens then! Your followers appreciate consistency from you, and knowing roughly how often you post establishes a predictable pattern.
5) Depending on the subject matter of your blog, seek out online groups or forums to connect with others who share your interests. If you blog about miniatures, you must start following Jazzi Mini's Blog and joining her weekly linky parties! Linky parties give you a chance to submit a thumbnail picture of a project you're working on. It's a chance for you to discover other blogs, and to get your blog noticed. I've seen other linky parties all over the blogosphere.
6) Go to in order to get the Add This tool box. You'll need to register, which is free. If you look at the bottom of my post, you will see little icons for facebook like, pin it, tweet and share. I got this by installing the Add this toolbar.
7) Get out there and connect with other bloggers you admire. This might include leaving a comment on one of their post or sending them an email. As some of my followers know, that's what led them to start following me, much to my surprise. Your comments must be genuine and come straight from the heart. If you are only commenting as a way to try and get someone to start following your blog, that's very transparent and won't work.
8) Last but not least, consider creating an account on If you look in the top left hand corner of my blog, you will see my badge.
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
The First Workshop for my Local Miniature Club
The day has finally arrived. At the show and sale I had a chance to look at the Attic Room Boxes we will be given to work with. They are quite nice. We'll have a lot of freedom to customize our own projects.
When my friend Pat, who is a member of the Miniature Group, told me in June that the club had decided on an Attic Scene but we could make the room into anything we liked, I immediately decided to make mine into a Nursery Scene. I had already started collecting Nursery accessories so this made sense.
When I was in Vancouver with my family over the summer, my Dad surprised me and bought me some nursery furniture at Ross' Miniature Treasure House. I also bought a playpen and other nursery furniture from Pat last spring. I don' think it will all fit in the room box!
Since I love books of all kinds, I decided my Nursery had to have books. I wanted to make them myself. I did research on the internet and realized just how much skill is required to make your own books! But I found a solution that suits me. I ordered the Beatrix Potter Kit from I think paper minis is a great resource for furnishing a dollhouse or a miniature scene for personal use. It's inexpensive, and after buying only one kit from them, you are sent a weekly newsletter containing free printables. I think I will buy another kit from paper minis in the future, but I already feel like I am set up with printables for life. I've included two pictures of the furniture and accessories I've amassed so far.
When my friend Pat, who is a member of the Miniature Group, told me in June that the club had decided on an Attic Scene but we could make the room into anything we liked, I immediately decided to make mine into a Nursery Scene. I had already started collecting Nursery accessories so this made sense.
When I was in Vancouver with my family over the summer, my Dad surprised me and bought me some nursery furniture at Ross' Miniature Treasure House. I also bought a playpen and other nursery furniture from Pat last spring. I don' think it will all fit in the room box!
Since I love books of all kinds, I decided my Nursery had to have books. I wanted to make them myself. I did research on the internet and realized just how much skill is required to make your own books! But I found a solution that suits me. I ordered the Beatrix Potter Kit from I think paper minis is a great resource for furnishing a dollhouse or a miniature scene for personal use. It's inexpensive, and after buying only one kit from them, you are sent a weekly newsletter containing free printables. I think I will buy another kit from paper minis in the future, but I already feel like I am set up with printables for life. I've included two pictures of the furniture and accessories I've amassed so far.
On the top of the change table are painted wooden animal wall plaques. So adorable! |
Monday, 17 September 2012
The new AIM magazine is here!
This magazine is such a fantastic resource. Talented artisans from all over the world write articles for the magazine. It's jammed packed with great articles, projects, and interviews with AIM members.
Head on over to to print, download, or read the latest issue.
Head on over to to print, download, or read the latest issue.
Sunday, 16 September 2012
The Edmonton Miniaturists Club Anual Show and Sale
This is a toiletries basket. I bought it because it adorable, but also so I can figure out how to make my own toiletries :) They're mostly done with beads. |
I picked up this tray, some children's books, and a stationary set on sale |
Itsy Bitsy Jars and a Collection of Blank Books that can be covered with printable Book Covers |
One of these hutches can be decorated and filled with kitchen items, the other one is for toiletry items! |
Friday, 14 September 2012
Seeking advice regarding selling on Etsy
My blogging tutorials are a big hit, and I have several more I could write today, but I like to mix them up with other posts. My favorite posts are those which include pictures. Unfortunately, this has not been possible lately, as I have been taken up with packing for our upcoming move.
However, on Sunday, September 16th, I am attending my first Miniature Show and Sale, and I am super excited!!! That's really an understatement. Words cannot convey how excited I am. I will post about it and include pictures of what I buy there.
In the mean time, I would like to reach out to my followers who are experienced miniaturists and sell their creations on Etsy. I was chatting with a miniaturist friend about this the other day and she said that you have to be very cautious when setting up an Etsy shop. She spoke about making sure you have your shop name and pictures copyrighted, and other details which I'm afraid I can't remember. Eventually I would like to sell miniature scenes on Etsy.
Do any of you have suggestions or feedback about selling miniatures on Etsy? Thanks a bunch!
However, on Sunday, September 16th, I am attending my first Miniature Show and Sale, and I am super excited!!! That's really an understatement. Words cannot convey how excited I am. I will post about it and include pictures of what I buy there.
In the mean time, I would like to reach out to my followers who are experienced miniaturists and sell their creations on Etsy. I was chatting with a miniaturist friend about this the other day and she said that you have to be very cautious when setting up an Etsy shop. She spoke about making sure you have your shop name and pictures copyrighted, and other details which I'm afraid I can't remember. Eventually I would like to sell miniature scenes on Etsy.
Do any of you have suggestions or feedback about selling miniatures on Etsy? Thanks a bunch!
Saturday, 8 September 2012
Don't be a No Reply
If you are a blogger who is following me, you may not know what No Reply is. I didn't know what it was until about a month ago when another blogger kindly enlightened me.
When you post a comment on a blog, most Blog authors like to respond to your comment personally.
I have already explained how you can connect with bloggers on your own blog by setting up threaded comments.
However, not every blog you follow has enabled threaded comments. It is very simple to edit your blogger profile to ensure that your email is visible to other bloggers, so when you post a comment, they can get in touch with you easily and reply to your comment.
First, click on design. In the upper right hand corner you will see your name as well as the profile picture you have chosen to appear on your blog. Click on your name and a drop down menu will appear. Click on Blogger Profile.
This will take you to your Blogger profile page. Click on Edit profile. This is a small orange button which you will find in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
When you get to the Edit user profile page, click on the box next to show my email address. You're done!
When you post a comment on a blog, most Blog authors like to respond to your comment personally.
I have already explained how you can connect with bloggers on your own blog by setting up threaded comments.
However, not every blog you follow has enabled threaded comments. It is very simple to edit your blogger profile to ensure that your email is visible to other bloggers, so when you post a comment, they can get in touch with you easily and reply to your comment.
First, click on design. In the upper right hand corner you will see your name as well as the profile picture you have chosen to appear on your blog. Click on your name and a drop down menu will appear. Click on Blogger Profile.
This will take you to your Blogger profile page. Click on Edit profile. This is a small orange button which you will find in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
When you get to the Edit user profile page, click on the box next to show my email address. You're done!
We're moving!!!
I am so excited to share this news with my followers. My husband Mark and I are moving into a townhouse October 1rst, and there will be plenty of space for me to set up an enormous workstation.
I make my own beauty products so I will be storing my beauty making supplies as well as my miniature tools and projects in one place. I recently created a separate blog to promote my beauty products:
I have been dreaming about my ideal workstation for awhile so I already have lots of ideas about how I want to set it up. I'm planning on finding a huge wooden desk from Value Village or the Salvation Army ( or maybe kijiji or I have a great tool caddy from Michaels Crafts Store. It's white and holds lots of stuff and spins around.
I want to find interesting containers from Antique Mall, like old pop bottle six pack cases and small glass dishes so that my workstation will be unique and reflect my love of antiques. It will take awhile to get it completely set up but when I do I will post a picture! I would love to hear from my miniature blog followers. What does your workstation look like?
Hugs to all,
I make my own beauty products so I will be storing my beauty making supplies as well as my miniature tools and projects in one place. I recently created a separate blog to promote my beauty products:
I have been dreaming about my ideal workstation for awhile so I already have lots of ideas about how I want to set it up. I'm planning on finding a huge wooden desk from Value Village or the Salvation Army ( or maybe kijiji or I have a great tool caddy from Michaels Crafts Store. It's white and holds lots of stuff and spins around.
I want to find interesting containers from Antique Mall, like old pop bottle six pack cases and small glass dishes so that my workstation will be unique and reflect my love of antiques. It will take awhile to get it completely set up but when I do I will post a picture! I would love to hear from my miniature blog followers. What does your workstation look like?
Hugs to all,
Wednesday, 5 September 2012
How to enable threaded posts on your blog
This is a great feature, as it allows you to interact with other bloggers on your blog. When they post a comment in reply to a blog post, it will go straight to your inbox.
This is very simple to set up.
Go to design, which you will find at the top right hand side of your blog, next to your dashboard. Click on the Settings Tab, then click on the other tab. Make sure the Blog Post Feed is set to full, but I believe this is the default setting. To set it to short or none would mean that your posts would be abbreviated or wouldn't appear at all. Save your changes.
Click on the Posts and Comments sub tab, which is also under the settings tab. Next to Show Comment Location, Choose Embedded. Make sure you save your changes. You're done!
This is very simple to set up.
Go to design, which you will find at the top right hand side of your blog, next to your dashboard. Click on the Settings Tab, then click on the other tab. Make sure the Blog Post Feed is set to full, but I believe this is the default setting. To set it to short or none would mean that your posts would be abbreviated or wouldn't appear at all. Save your changes.
Click on the Posts and Comments sub tab, which is also under the settings tab. Next to Show Comment Location, Choose Embedded. Make sure you save your changes. You're done!
Sunday, 2 September 2012
It's so hard to resist!
Isn't this camper the cutest thing? Many of you probably recognize it as the $25 kit from Greenleaf. Our local Miniaturists' Club Show and Sale is coming up on September 16th and I'm sure they'll be selling it there. But I have to buy strategically at the show and sale!
I've decided to spend my money mostly on accessories, ones that are hard to find, like those tiny glass jars you use to make itsy bitsy jars of jam.
I think my miniature coke and seven up bottles would look great in front of this Camper.
I've decided to spend my money mostly on accessories, ones that are hard to find, like those tiny glass jars you use to make itsy bitsy jars of jam.
I think my miniature coke and seven up bottles would look great in front of this Camper.
Saturday, 1 September 2012
How to leave a comment
This post is for the wonderful folks who subscribe to my blog by
email, or for those who occasionally stop by, and aren't as familiar
with the blogging world as other bloggers.
If you're subscribing by email, every time I write a new post it arrives in your inbox. You can click on that post, and be taken straight to my blog page. At the bottom of my most recent post, in extremely small writing (I need to look into changing the size of the font, last time I tried this, it made other text bigger too, oh well!) you will see text that the post has 2 comments, for example, if some comments have been left.
To leave your own comment, simply click on the text that says 2 comments and the comments box will expand. Then you will be able to leave your comment, and if you would like, subscribe to further comments that are made regarding this post by email. You can also unsubscribe from the comments at any time.
See? Easy Peasy.
If you're subscribing by email, every time I write a new post it arrives in your inbox. You can click on that post, and be taken straight to my blog page. At the bottom of my most recent post, in extremely small writing (I need to look into changing the size of the font, last time I tried this, it made other text bigger too, oh well!) you will see text that the post has 2 comments, for example, if some comments have been left.
To leave your own comment, simply click on the text that says 2 comments and the comments box will expand. Then you will be able to leave your comment, and if you would like, subscribe to further comments that are made regarding this post by email. You can also unsubscribe from the comments at any time.
See? Easy Peasy.
Thursday, 30 August 2012
I will start out this post with one of my favorite quotes.
"Believe there are no limits but the sky..."
I like to dream big when it comes to current and future projects. I also like to have a couple projects on the go, as well as a couple rattling around in my head at the same time.
Right now, I have materials gathered for:
1) A nursery scene
2) A Christmas Room Box Scene
I also have a kit for a Victorian style cottage, but will have to purchase supplies to decorate the exterior, as well as the interior!
These are the projects I'm scheming and dreaming about:
1) A modern kitchen scene
2) A nautical scene featuring a mermaid
3) A sewing room scene
4) A Victorian Lady's Bedroom scene with a very dainty vanity laden with perfume bottles, cosmetics, and a beautiful dress laid out on the bed.
5)A faiery's house, covered in moss.
6) A Beach House Retreat.
If I thought harder, I could probably come up with more! Children are told that anything is possible and encouraged to dream. Usually at some point they are told to "be more sensible" and put childish dreams away. I admire the artists I know who didn't listen and went against the grain. I think adults need to dream more, on a regular basis. I'd love to hear about your dreams and schemes!
"Believe there are no limits but the sky..."
I like to dream big when it comes to current and future projects. I also like to have a couple projects on the go, as well as a couple rattling around in my head at the same time.
Right now, I have materials gathered for:
1) A nursery scene
2) A Christmas Room Box Scene
I also have a kit for a Victorian style cottage, but will have to purchase supplies to decorate the exterior, as well as the interior!
These are the projects I'm scheming and dreaming about:
1) A modern kitchen scene
2) A nautical scene featuring a mermaid
3) A sewing room scene
4) A Victorian Lady's Bedroom scene with a very dainty vanity laden with perfume bottles, cosmetics, and a beautiful dress laid out on the bed.
5)A faiery's house, covered in moss.
6) A Beach House Retreat.
If I thought harder, I could probably come up with more! Children are told that anything is possible and encouraged to dream. Usually at some point they are told to "be more sensible" and put childish dreams away. I admire the artists I know who didn't listen and went against the grain. I think adults need to dream more, on a regular basis. I'd love to hear about your dreams and schemes!
Wednesday, 29 August 2012
How to allow your followers to subscribe to comments
I will be doing a series of blogging tips. When I have done enough of them, I will create a page at the top of my blog and link back to all of my posts containing blogging posts so anyone who visits my blog can access them easily.
Today we will be talking about how to allow your followers to subscribe to posts comments via email. I believe it is especially important to include this blogging tip because when I was trying to figure it out for myself, I couldn't find it in the blogger help centre (no big surprise there) but I was a bit surprised when no one in the google product forums knew either.
I took matters into my own hands and figured it out myself. First, go to the settings tab, then click on the other tab. Next to Allow Blog Feed Click on Full. This will bring up a drop down menu. Change it from full to Custom.
Below will appear Blog Posts Feed, Blog Comments Feed and Per Post Comment Feed. For Blog Comments Feed, choose Full. If you were to choose short or none, each blog post would appear shortened or wouldn't appear at all. I don't know why anyone would want that option, but apparently
someone does!
Beside Blog Comments Feed I chose none. This is because I wanted to give my followers the option of subscribing to comments regarding individual posts. If I had chosen full, they would have only had the choice of subscribing to all the comments ever made on my entire blog, and that makes no sense to me.
Beside Per Post Comment Feed I chose full. This gave me exactly what I wanted. Followers now have the option to subscribe to comments on a posts per post basis. Doesn't it sounds simple? I hope the Blogger Help Centre will get around to including it in their directions some day.
Today we will be talking about how to allow your followers to subscribe to posts comments via email. I believe it is especially important to include this blogging tip because when I was trying to figure it out for myself, I couldn't find it in the blogger help centre (no big surprise there) but I was a bit surprised when no one in the google product forums knew either.
I took matters into my own hands and figured it out myself. First, go to the settings tab, then click on the other tab. Next to Allow Blog Feed Click on Full. This will bring up a drop down menu. Change it from full to Custom.
Below will appear Blog Posts Feed, Blog Comments Feed and Per Post Comment Feed. For Blog Comments Feed, choose Full. If you were to choose short or none, each blog post would appear shortened or wouldn't appear at all. I don't know why anyone would want that option, but apparently
someone does!
Beside Blog Comments Feed I chose none. This is because I wanted to give my followers the option of subscribing to comments regarding individual posts. If I had chosen full, they would have only had the choice of subscribing to all the comments ever made on my entire blog, and that makes no sense to me.
Beside Per Post Comment Feed I chose full. This gave me exactly what I wanted. Followers now have the option to subscribe to comments on a posts per post basis. Doesn't it sounds simple? I hope the Blogger Help Centre will get around to including it in their directions some day.
Sunday, 26 August 2012
Some treasures I have picked up
In Edmonton, Alberta, where I live, there is a wonderful place to visit and this place is called Old Strathcona Antique Mall. It is comprised of two levels and contains more than 300 hundred booths and showcases. For those who like Antiques, it is like being a kid in a candy shop. Here is a link to their website:
I go to Antique Mall for two reasons. I love Antiques of all kinds, especially old glassware and tableware. Secondly, I have been able to pick up some great 1:12 scale miniature accessories on several occasions.
Many of the Vendor Booths are arranged in a hodge podge manner, so you really have to keep your eyes open and dig around to find these miniatures. I have been a regular visitor to Antique Mall, so now I know which booths have miniatures on occasion. Now when I go, I make a beeline to about three different vendor booths to see if they have anything. If I find something, well and good. I usually buy them because I have never spent more than six dollars on an individual piece. If I see something I like, I pick it up, then take it up to the front desk where they will hold if for me until I am ready to pay for it.
Then I continue browsing. I have been collecting stocking stuffers for my family. Some of the vendor booths are set up very elegantly and one in particular looks just like my Paternal Grandma's sitting room did. She passed away when I was thirteen. There is often a chair or a sofa in that booth which is also for sale. I like to sit there for a couple of minutes. It's relaxing and brings back happy childhood memories and is especially comforting when I've had a bad day!
These are some adorable 1:12 scale accessories I have picked up at Antique Mall in the past month.
I go to Antique Mall for two reasons. I love Antiques of all kinds, especially old glassware and tableware. Secondly, I have been able to pick up some great 1:12 scale miniature accessories on several occasions.
Many of the Vendor Booths are arranged in a hodge podge manner, so you really have to keep your eyes open and dig around to find these miniatures. I have been a regular visitor to Antique Mall, so now I know which booths have miniatures on occasion. Now when I go, I make a beeline to about three different vendor booths to see if they have anything. If I find something, well and good. I usually buy them because I have never spent more than six dollars on an individual piece. If I see something I like, I pick it up, then take it up to the front desk where they will hold if for me until I am ready to pay for it.
Then I continue browsing. I have been collecting stocking stuffers for my family. Some of the vendor booths are set up very elegantly and one in particular looks just like my Paternal Grandma's sitting room did. She passed away when I was thirteen. There is often a chair or a sofa in that booth which is also for sale. I like to sit there for a couple of minutes. It's relaxing and brings back happy childhood memories and is especially comforting when I've had a bad day!
These are some adorable 1:12 scale accessories I have picked up at Antique Mall in the past month.
I could add these to a picnic or backyard scene |
On the left is a roll of paper towel for a kitchen scene, on the right is a mannequin for a sewing or Ladies' Shop scene |
I could not pass up this adorable little clock. So elegant! |
Friday, 24 August 2012
How to Be Creative
This List came to be via a dear friend who have gotten to know better since she took our wedding photos eight years ago.
I thing these are great words to live by. Several years ago I went through a very painful and difficult period. The group of friends my husband and I had had for almost a decade chose to abandon us when we were at a very low point in our lives and most needed the support of our friends. I tried in vain to hold on to several people from that group. I was so afraid of offending them and losing yet another friend. In the end I lost about 95 % of them anyways.
In retrospect this is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I decided that since being cautious and afraid to express myself and take risks had not guaranteed me any kind of security, why not say whatever I wanted and take risks that felt scary and made me feel vulnerable? The way I see it, a whole group of people think the worst of me. So what's the big deal if someone else does too?
I believe the experience of losing a group of friends has made me a better artist. I don't know why it's the painful experiences that help us develop compassion, and push us to grow personally and artistically. But that does seem to be the way it works!
1. Make Lists
2. Carry a Notebook Everywhere
3. Try Free Writing
4. Get away from the Computer
5. Be Otherworldly
6. Quit beating yourself up
7. Take Breaks
8. Sing in the shower
9. Drink coffee/tea
10. Know your Roots
11. Listen to new music
12. Be open
13. Surround yourself with Creative People
14. Get feedback
16. Don't give up
17. Practice, Practice, Practice
18. Allow yourself to make mistakes
19. Go somewhere new
20. Watch foreign films
21. Count your blessings
22. Get lots of rest
23. Take risks
24. Break the rules
25. Do more of what makes you happy
26. Don't force it
27. Read a page of the dictionary
28. Create a framework
29. Stop trying to be someone else's perfect
30. Got an idea? WRITE IT DOWN
31. Clean your workspace
32. Have Fun
33. Finish something
I thing these are great words to live by. Several years ago I went through a very painful and difficult period. The group of friends my husband and I had had for almost a decade chose to abandon us when we were at a very low point in our lives and most needed the support of our friends. I tried in vain to hold on to several people from that group. I was so afraid of offending them and losing yet another friend. In the end I lost about 95 % of them anyways.
In retrospect this is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I decided that since being cautious and afraid to express myself and take risks had not guaranteed me any kind of security, why not say whatever I wanted and take risks that felt scary and made me feel vulnerable? The way I see it, a whole group of people think the worst of me. So what's the big deal if someone else does too?
I believe the experience of losing a group of friends has made me a better artist. I don't know why it's the painful experiences that help us develop compassion, and push us to grow personally and artistically. But that does seem to be the way it works!
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